Windows Xp Delta Edition

I don't know if any of you installed and tried it, I did it on a virtual machine and it would seem to answer well, m will soon post some screenshots


I would have liked to leave further images, but they were not displayed
What advantages have you discovered that you are finding worth using?

PS please don't list features. I can find such myself online. I am asking about actual user experience.
Ok I will limit myself to some screenshots and nothing more, I hope the screenshots can publish them, but functionality, I will not publish anything
I only ask the question because a version of Linux which I use has in recent years become very bloated, and mostly with reconfiguration options which facilitate altering appearances, and offer little, if any, increased utility.

I guess that is OK if it is what users want.

I don't, I would rather the 'bloat' be minimised, and the options to make such changes be available as apps which are installed or not at behest of the user. Occasionally, the introduced feature breaks some existing functionality, leaving users to search for workarounds, or wait for a fix in an update of software: very unsatisfactory.

So, I wondered if I am in a minority, and most users are finding they value and use all these configuration options. Or do they, like myself suffer from increased unreliability and bloat in their operating system?

That is why I chose to ask about your actual experience using the Delta version of Windows XP. Being completely outside of any Linux debate, I thought maybe also a good place to ask if users are actually making use of configurability, or is it just dead weight for most users?
Personally, big respect for those people who like Linux, I have never used it and maybe I will never use it, as I don't like it I am not very inflating my operating system, as I just put the essential things only, and the ones I like most
Test ongoing with Explorer 8 and Legacy Update on a version of Windows XP Professional, will tell you something shorter
You won't get far using IE8 even applying all the certificate updates. Javascript engine is too old so most websites will lockup or won't load at all.

Use ArcticFoxie's 360Chrome builds.

Or Feodor's Mozilla builds.

Yes, posting image links to this forum has become a royal pain in the a** regardless what image hoster is used. It appears to be an issue with the proxy used here to redirect. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon.
Thanks for your advice that I will personally follow, as well as I hope that other problems of the board will soon be solved
Concluded tests on various versions of XP such as Home Edition, Professional, Media Center and others, on these it is sufficient to put Explorer 8 and Legacy Update, wait a little time and you receive updates, how to have the XP Delta Edition version, perhaps I will have made the discovery of hot water, but nobody said these things, and nothing was found on the matter
I can't seem to find any definitive info on the web on what this version of XP has or is missing from other versions. Almost 15 years ago I downloaded 'Windows XP Black Edition'. It was basically a hacked version that had some hotfixes and removed other features - I can't remember specifically but I still have the ISO and if I have time I will try and install it in a VM. It had a patched uxtheme.dll so you could use third party themes. It came with several dark themes and wallpapers. It was pretty cool and I used it on a Toshiba laptop for several years before I wiped it and installed XP MCE 2005 SP3.