I only ask the question because a version of Linux which I use has in recent years become very bloated, and mostly with reconfiguration options which facilitate altering appearances, and offer little, if any, increased utility.
I guess that is OK if it is what users want.
I don't, I would rather the 'bloat' be minimised, and the options to make such changes be available as apps which are installed or not at behest of the user. Occasionally, the introduced feature breaks some existing functionality, leaving users to search for workarounds, or wait for a fix in an update of software: very unsatisfactory.
So, I wondered if I am in a minority, and most users are finding they value and use all these configuration options. Or do they, like myself suffer from increased unreliability and bloat in their operating system?
That is why I chose to ask about your actual experience using the Delta version of Windows XP. Being completely outside of any Linux debate, I thought maybe also a good place to ask if users are actually making use of configurability, or is it just dead weight for most users?