Windows XP activation after replace Motherboard

hey guys...
im sorry, english is not my native language...

i really need your help guys...
my windows xp ask me too activation after i replacing motherboard, i have another HDD with windows xp and when i replace the HDD it still ask me to activation... but if the HDD i install on my other PC its normal and not ask for activation... you guys can help me? please i really need your help
if the pc is an OEM brand then the activation is tied to the motherboard and unless replaced with the same exact motherboard cannot be activated

im trying to bypass activation by change my registry,, its work.. its no longer ask for activation... but.. pc keeps automatically shuts down after startup... i try to prevent it with ctrl+alt+del and logging off.. but it still shutting down
It sounds like it senses that you tampered with it and that's why its doing a shutdown on boot. As a last ditch effort you can try to boot to safe mode and type start > run > Rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk

if the reg keys are still there this should reset it for another 30 days. otherwise just reload XP
hey guys...
im sorry, english is not my native language...

i really need your help guys...
my windows xp ask me too activation after i replacing motherboard, i have another HDD with windows xp and when i replace the HDD it still ask me to activation... but if the HDD i install on my other PC its normal and not ask for activation... you guys can help me? please i really need your help
If you are still having trouble with it, you could try a little utility program called AntiWPA.cmd which loads an AntiWPA.dll and update the registry.

I had tested it long ago and it worked very well. However, I don't need it with my XP computers. I just tested it out of curiosity. Hope this helps.