Windows XP Acting Funny

We have an old Windows XP Computer. The Internet has stopped working on that computer, can't even get to the router. It was showing a yellow triangle. But on other computers the Internet works! We tried a couple of fixes, and now it shows that it's working but it isn't. From another computer, we discovered that it was showing up to the router two times, first as the computer name and second as an unknown device. Opening a browser will wait the longest time and then show an error.

Just a few things I thing may have something to do with it:

Windows Search (though I uninstalled it)
7 Transformation Pack
Cleaning Up Registry Errors(though I installed it networking registry fix)
Hello Robert 456,

We have the same set-up here. The "monster" PC linked to ADSL2 with a Thomson modem/router. The second PC, the one I use and play with XP on "feeds off" the Thomson modem/router with a Realtek 802.11n wi-fi USB. Here in Australia the Realtek wi-fi dongle (call it whatever you will) costs $25.00. Run the install CD, ignore the XP messages, put the ID number of your main modem/router in where prompted, and you are on the net. I would not go for the cheapest Realtek because it is a bit "throttled" on download/upload speed.

Yep, I tried to link the main modem/router from PC number one to PC number 2 with an ethernet cable and it did not work.

Just a suggestion and a few dollars but it works super well for me. (if you do go this way with wi-fi, disable the ethernet option in the System - Hardware part of the Control Panel.

Cheers from Aunty Jack in Australia. Oh, and welcome to the XP Forum.
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This is generally caused because the drivers have become corrupt or overwritten. I'm assuming, of course, that your hardware hasn't developed a fault, usually a cable or a plug.

XP is dialup by default. Broadband in its day was ADSL.

You need to find a driver that suits your LAN.

On my machine, its on the installation disc I got with the machine, not the OS, the installation disk containing drivers and such for whatever internal hardware came with it.

If you don't have that then you need to discover which LAN you're using.

It may be possible to help you with that if you can say more about your machine. Is it a generic, ie, does it have a brand name? Or is it built from scratch.

Right click on My Computer, Properties, Hardware, device manager. Look down for the Network Adaptors and see if there is a make listed. Right click and have a look at the panel which opens.

Good luck and don't forget to tell us how you get on.