Windows won't load after "Windows Genuine Validation"

Hi guys,

hope you can help with this one. The title might be a bit misleading. The following happened: I have a Thinkpad X60 with Windows XP SP3 on. For some reason over the past months my hard disk was filling up misteriously without me having a lot of data on it. So, i decided to copy everything on an external harddrive and restore to factory mode. The Windows copy was original. The restore went smoothly, I started installing all the needed programmes, i had to upgrade to SP3 and then i got a question regarding the Windows Genuine Validation. Due to my Windows being original i accepted and it went on with installing some updates. I restarted and the computer would not boot. I couldn't enter ThinkVantage, i got the message "Please wait" but nothing happened, i tried all the "Safe Mode", "Last known good configuration" and the other restarting methods, but it would not load Windows. I also got a bluescreen for a few seconds with the text:
The computer encountered a problem, Windows was shut down. If this is the first time you are seeing this, restart. If not, then do the following:
Check for viruses. Remove all new installed hard drives. Run CHKDSK /F.
Technical info:

STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF778CA524, 0xC0000034, 0x000000000, 0x00000000)

I managed to restore again for some reason but nothing was installed apart from Windows, in Device Manager all the devices have a yellow question mark. And again after restarting it doesn't load Windows anymore.

It could be a very general matter so i would really appreciate some advice on what I could for a starter in order to get things moving.