windows update won't install?


For over the last week windows update KB2799494 has been trying to install but never does sucessfully.

I've tried installing it with pc powered up and upon shutdown to no avail.

The message "Not installed" is seen when having attempted the installation with machine powered up.

Any ideas?


download here and install manually.


read above thread


lots of hits on this issue from the google search page above.

3. when you go to shutdown is there a shield icon on the shutdown button?
This is usually the case and you have to shutdown to install

4. Security issues

For home users, no-charge support is available by calling ☎ 1-866-PCSAFETY (1-866-727-2338; and/or 1-866-234-6020 and/or 1-800-936-5700 and/or 1 800 936 2909 ) in the United States and in Canada or by contacting your local Microsoft subsidiary. There is no-charge for support calls that are associated with security updates. When you call, clearly state that your problem is related to a Security Update and cite the update's KB number (e.g.,KB2695962).

if all else fails try above.
Thank you Elizabeth, I downloaded the file from that link you kindly provided and it sucessfully installed manually.

The little yellow shield icon relating to this update is still present on the task bar.

Should I now just discard this?
did you reboot after installation?

click on the shield in taskbar and choose custom, what are the updates listed?

is it the same one that installed successfully?

if so go to Microsoft updates and do a high priority scan, install everything,and then do a custom scan and install and Rootkit updates.

if the same KB needs to be installed that you already installed, then you will have to delete the contents of the software distribution folder, and reboot and then run a scan again.
Go to menu Start> All Programs> Accessories. Right click on the "command prompt" and select "Run as Administrator".

Copy/paste the below command:

net stop wuauserv

And select OK.

Wait until confirmation that the service is stopped.

To delete the file, copy the following command in the command prompt:

del %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\Logs\edb.log

You can also delete it manually by going to the location in windows explorer.

you can restart the service with this command:

net start wuauserv

Note: Updates will not be uninstalled but only the entries will be taken out.

Note, you can copy/paste the commands into the command prompt, it will save any typing errors.
Great info Elizabeth thanks. I had allowed the reboot upon completion of the manual installation.

I've since shutdown completely and later powered up and the shield seems to be gone now?
go to Microsoft updates do a high priority scan, if the update is still listed then you want to delete the history list.

Do not worry, when you do another scan at Microsoft updates it will still see the updates in your pc.

do not forget to run a custom scan and install any Rootkit updates that are available if any.

You should be good to go now.