Windows Update site redirects or wont connect

Hello my good friends!

I am running XP SP3 all updates current, today Oct 6, 2015 I clicked on "windows up date", and here comes on some kind of screen that is from Microsoft that is about "internet services". and has nothing to do with the correct up date screen.

I have four computers, all Dell GX 270s, all XP SP3. Sometimes I can get the correct screen for windows up date if I reset clock to internet time, but this does not always do the trick. I tried Firefox and Chrome, deleting the history, made sure no virus was on the computers, no malware etc but no change in results

I am running AVG antivirus.

Sometimes the correct "up date screen" comes on some times its the "Internet services screen." There doesn’t seem to be any way to make the proper “up date screen” come on every time.

I do notice that after re booting or first boot in the day, if you click on the "windows Update" icon and do it right away after all the things load on the computer, then i seem to get more constant lock up with the proper windows update web site, but if you leave the computer on for a while and if I try to go to the windows up date site then it will redirect to the window internet services site. Again I have four computers here all are doing the same thing.

I when I click on “Microsoft updates”, the computer will go to any of one of these sites:

This is the correct Microsoft web site that should appear for updates, but at random it will redirect to one of the below sites:

This is the “internet services screen that comes up some times when I click on "windows Update"

Or the screen below ( web address) comes up some times which says the web site isn’t available, or there is something wrong with it so it cant be viewed:[/

I am fully aware support ended in 2014, but I have never had any problems connecting to the updates web site until recently. I am concerned because any re installs of XP that I do may not work if a person cant get to the proper update site to install all the back updates.

Any help would be appreciated.
GX 270 in Minnesota
The first site listed is not correct, when I copy and past it it wont transfer correctly and when I type it in it wont show up right either. The Microsoft web site after the back slash "micr it should continue to read "osoftupdate/v6/default.aspx?ln=en-us but it wont transfer to the post if i cut and past it for some reason
Battery is good, I only re set clock to see if that would make difference, clocks hold the time with no issues.... Problem seems to ocure with IE or firefox or Chrome- I use microsoft malware tool for checking for malware, i don't think that's the issue though, i have four computers here all do the same thing... Thank you for your input, anyone else getting this problem?
GX270 you're not alone as I am having the same sort of problems like yours.

For me 'Windows Update' redirects for Microsoft's IIS Server and it is 'Internet Information Service'. I am not sure why it is like that?

It pretty strange like a freak TV reception to pick up something odd and the fault only occurs on use of Internet Explorer 8 when trying to get 'Patch Tuesday' updates.

Yep, like you to use Microsoft's Malicious Software Removal Tool and on use of a security software scan to find nothing, no virus, no malware and all clean.

My computer network is a 4 like yours but half of them WinXP and the other half Win7.

The fault seem only to appear on IE8 but no issues on Chrome and no issues on Win7.

WinXP computers aren't set 'auto' for time like yours but to doubt that might be it?

It seems an outdated browser maybe at fault or a URL fault at Microsoft's end?

Yep, did copy/paste into address bar for WU and it worked:

On one computer unfortunately there is a requirement to check updates for Office 2007 and there is no option but to use IE8.

Yep, just did another try for WU, pretty strange it worked today?

Sydney, Australia.
I think sinse winxp isn't supported anymore than Microsoft have done everything possible to get us on to win10! Yesterday I called up and Sai my winxp pc was playing up and they said I HAD TO GOT TO WINDOWS 10 TO GET HELP!!!!!!! Ridiculous me thinks