Windows IE8 Explorer Hogging CPU sources

Yes, perhaps someone can help me with a problem I have been experiencing with IE8.
Sometime ago I installed Process Explorer mainly to see where all my CPU resources are being used. I no longer log on and immediatedly I see the resource bar top lining. Then, when I open up Process Explorer, The CPU is pegged out at 100% and IE8 is said to be using 98% of the CPU's resourse. I have disabled all Microsoft startup programs in msconfig in addition to some others. However, closing down all these start up processes does not appear to drop CPU usages. I am watching the Process Explorer icon in the taskbar and it has just redlined. This time however, a process titled RUNDLL32.exe is said to be running at 94% . According to information on the Process Explorer, this rundll32.exe process PID number is 4280 and the Private bytes usage is up to 297,580K with a Working Set of 300,000K. I find it strange that there are 8 rundll32,exe running processes listed: PID #: 3460, 3380, 1012,1236,900, 5896,5492,4290 with only 3 being registerd to a Microsoft application (3380, 1236, and 5492).

In the short of it, all I would like to know is what steps can I do to stop ieplorer.exe and this rundll.32.exe from consumming so much of the CPU that the system freezes all the time.

My CPU is a 1.2GHz Athlon and at present I have 2Gig of memory. And according to memory resources, Physical Memory usage is 946.5 M.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do to free up the CPU resouces?
First, in task manager or process explorer, stop all processes for iexplore.exe.

this should bring task manager back to normal with system idle at/or about 99% cpu.


Second, VERY IMPORTANT, do not use IE, install firefox or chrome as these are the most secure and are still supporting xp, there are other browsers and you can check on them as you wish, opera, safari, etc.
for firefox download

IE is not secure and if you have been using it then chances are highly probable that you are infected.

1. what is your current antivirus??

2. what other scanners do you have installed??

3. do the following:

Download, install, update and do full scan with these free malware detection programs:

Malwarebytes Free (MBAM):

SUPERAntiSpyware: (SAS):

Remove all found, reboot, and run again until scans run clean, these can be removed afterwards if you so choose. Run scans one at a time, please.
Hi, Elizabeth;
Okay, earlier today I attempted to download Firefox. I have Avast Anti-Virus. I also have S&D. I had Superantispyware installed but it always locked up when I ran a scan so I uninstalled it. As for Malwarebytes.Anti-Malware. Well I had it installed as well. But about a week ago I was downloading an update and as the update was loading I got about three (3) Setup Runtime errors, but the installation completed after I clicked OK but now when I run the program a diaglog box appears telling me that the program has encountered a problem and has to close down. Sometimes when I attempt to run it I am told that I must remove an older version and re-install the newer version. The short of it,
I have not been able to get Malwarebytes to work for about two (2) weeks now. I e-mailed Malwarebytes Support Center to see if they could tell me what the problem is but have not heard back.
I had posted in your other thread, but will stick to this one now.

above is the forum to post problems with MBAM, this is a really good malware program and you do want it to install if at all possible

you can use malwarebytes Chameleon which will let malwarebytes install in case some infection is preventing it

above link is a thread on how to remove all traces of malwarebytes antimalware before trying to install either chameleon or MBAM


I would also uninstall spybot search and destroy as the reviews are no longer good and it is not being recommended anymore, please read the below link on this


if we can get your pc clean then we can further troubleshoot the ie problem is it still persists.

read my post on your other thread and follow those instructions as far as you can also.