Windows Genuine Advantage - How to remove- 100% Working!!!

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Hello guys, this is my first post in this site, and I start it in a grand manner.

So, many of us run pirated versions of Windows, and when Windows Genuine Advantage pops up, we cant resist the urge to kill the programmer whos behind this. no need to kill them, instead we can kill the WGA notifications now.

So, i was seeing this message for over 3 months and tried out many ways to stop it, but nothing happened. I localized the file to %WINDIR%\system32\Wgatray.exe and wgalogon.dll.

i tried deleting in safe mode, but cant even kill the process before deleting the file(The process running should be stopped to delete the file, but it restarts again auto)

now i found out a new method to stop it.
*Download Cygwin for ur OS.
*update all the necessary packages.
*install them and add path_to_cygwin/bin to your path environment variable.
now open command prompt and change directory(cd) to %Windir%\system32.
after that, enter following command in cmd:
rm wgatray.exe
rm wgalogon.dll

and reboot your system. Done!
Luckily Windows XP x64 never needed activation so I was fine there. But I never understood why one felt Microsoft shouldn't protect itself from theft. People always say "It's my copy of Windows and I own it"; well it's not. You granted a license to use the product, but Microsoft owns it. They can do anything they want, including granting or denying access to the product.

Glad to see you started posting in grand manner.
I see that this may have a negative corner around it, but it was just for the "power users", i termed my post just a bit advanced for the newbies to understand.