WinDefender is running in Services but Security says No VIrus Protection?

I have Windows Defender installed on this XP. In services it says Windows Defender is set to run automatically and is started. There is an icon on the tasktray. However when I click on Security in Control Panel MS doesn't even recognize it's own protection program running. Is there a fix for this or no worries? Thanks, jack ":-Dx
windows defender is an antispyware, not an antivirus, you need to get an antivirus installed,

and do some full scans on your pc to clean it.

also download and run the following:

Download, install, update and do full scan with these free malware detection programs:

Malwarebytes Free (MBAM):

SUPERAntiSpyware: (SAS):

Remove all found, reboot, and run again until scans run clean, these can be removed afterwards if you so choose. Run scans one at a time, please.


it is only an antivirus program for win 8.1

see here
Amazing. Our pc's must be clones. I have used SuperAnti~ and Malware~ forever on every pc. I also have only used Windows Defender or Windows Security Essentials alone for the last couple years with no problems. I just performed some full scans with WD and another last evening on 2 pc's. I did get the Windows Defender to appear. What I found was I had both WD and WSEssentials in the services. Took WSEssentials out. Uninstalled WD and reinstalled and it's happy on the tasktray again. Thanks so much for you time! {":-Dx
Thanks! I am the original poster, but jackdashack not jackdashck. I realized I'd spelled my ID wrong by one letter. By the time I realized it I'd used up my logon quota mistakes. As little as I come back I'd probably make the same mistake every time. So I re-registered with the correct ID. I appreciate the info on MSE. I had not realized it was unsupported. Fortunately I no longer use it on any of the pc's here. There are a few services out there that are looking out for XP. Advanced system care is 1. There are others. I have an HP Windows 8.1 and 3 fine running XP's I'm not going to chuck them as long as I can keep them running well. They have so far even though support has ended. Thankfully there is enough info by using my "friend the search engine" to keep them chugging along. Thanks again! {":)x jack
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