win 10 edge and cortana



been trying to get rid of edge and stupid cortana for a while both are useless and not need for me, every time tried to remove they would just reinstall ,tried looking on web guess what ms recon you can no longer remove both as they are part of there rubbish system, had to do a ten for bank and such but use xp for everything else thats another matter,

so was playing around ,and found that if you have cc cleaner or other none ms to do your cleaning the go into tools and use there uninstall program then clean the reg , and both are gone

now after doing this i rebooted and there still gone but will take a stab in the dark and next update i bet they get put back by ms.there are some warnings against doing what i have done but i dont use 10 for anything but what i have to so apps on a pc to me are next to useless

do at your own risk if you use 10 at all but for the lide of me i can not see why the only thing it good for is updating itself
just an update on above
ms sent me edge and cortana again so uninstalled them and was asked why i deleted them and if i would use them in the future,i of course sent them a message back telling them what i thought about being asked if i would like to try instead of being forced to use programs and since then have not had it again in the update so far (fingers crossed )
if there is a site for updates like the one that was for xp, there should be an option to not show this update again. That is what I did when I used to do custom scans at the xp microsoft update site.
Yes, 'W10' updates can be really intrusive. What really p'd me off is it often replaces settings which I have selected according to my preference with settings that Microsoft prefers!
Yes, Windows 10 updates indeed. I have uninstalled Edge and Cortana quite a few times and back they come. There is another "built in" with Windows 10 that does bother me. Turning off all the apps (Microsoft's) that are built in to Win 10 only works from one "turn machine off" to the next. The amount or personal data/information Microsoft wants to obtain/strip/steal from our PC's borders on illegality. Well some of this data gathering does cross the line to illegality in Australia. There are times I want to find a legal copy of Windows 7 and do a clean install of this and never use Windows 10 again. Or user Linux Mint. The only reason I don't use Linux on my PC is that Linux will not run my Flight Sim programs. George Orwell's 1984 "Big Brother" is alive and disgustingly alive in Windows 10/Microsoft.

Aunty Jack.
no need have not had a new version with any update for either of them since i used cc cleaner to uninstall them both and also telling micro i did not want them :)