Will Microsoft Pull Out All XP Updates

I have been wondering about MS eventually pulling out all XP updates from Microsoft Update Catalog I wonder when that is going to happen. Could these be archived or are there other methods to preserve these? Else, we'll be left high and dry when we have to do a clean install o_O
for most of the updates you can download Portable updates program, (save download to a flash drive or other media other than the hard drive) it will search you pc the first time, (must have internet connection) and see what is installed and what could be installed if desired, Then you can download all updates shown and save to the alternate media, for if ever a clean install is done. this will have about 75 to 80 percent of all the updates saved, :)
Windows 2000 updates still exist at Microsoft Update Catalog
Thank you, but what do Windows 98 users do for updates?
for most of the updates you can download Portable updates program..........
You helped me with this before so I know about Portup. I am thinking about a time in the future, when some one who has not used XP before wants to use XP and https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=xp+sp3 is not available any more for portup to get the updates from. Is it possible to archive these updates so that they will be available in, say 10 years from now? Portup will not be able to find them if the web page does not exist! Another situation; Updates I saved in my external HD may get corrupted and when I try to get them with portup, the update catalogue may not be there any more.

With all these questions I am not trying to be clever. Come what may, I will never give up XP. If my hardware packs up, I will buy an older mother board from ebay or from wherever it is available to continue using XP. This is why I am so concerned about updares being available in the future.
you can copy portup to several different media if you wish to save them, I have had portup on my flash drive for approx 6 years and so far so good still able to update a clean install. You might be able to do this for win98 with portup, not sure,

not sure what else you can do, but if the updates are still available for 98 they should still be available for xp, :)
It is possible that there will come a time where Microsoft takes off all the XP updates just like they did with with 95/98/98SE/ME. In fact, I'd bet the house on it. Thankfully, efforts are being made to preserve all of the updates, and come April/May 2019 I'm sure we're going to see an 'ultimate' single-file .exe collection of updates for XP not unlike the AutoPatcher for Win98SE/the UURollup for Win2K. It may be important now to keep an eye on MSFN...there are some fascinating projects in the works at the moment to keep XP alive.
It is possible that there will come a time where Microsoft takes off all the XP updates just like they did with with 95/98/98SE/ME. In fact, I'd bet the house on it. Thankfully, efforts are being made to preserve all of the updates, and come April/May 2019 I'm sure we're going to see an 'ultimate' single-file .exe collection of updates for XP not unlike the AutoPatcher for Win98SE/the UURollup for Win2K. It may be important now to keep an eye on MSFN...there are some fascinating projects in the works at the moment to keep XP alive.
Folks at msfn already got the latest audacity working on xp :)