Why do you use Windows XP

Well I use Windows XP 64 and here are my reasons:

1- Stability: I must say that this is the most stable Microsoft OS I´ve ever used. Rock solid. Is extremely rare that a program manages to crash the whole system. Windows 10 or 11 can´t compare. Updates break something very often.

2- Performance: If you use a relatively modern computer with XP 64 you will notice that it feels very snappy. It reminds me of windows 2000 pro. Windows 10 or 11 can´t compare. I think SSDs where created for these crap OSs. I mean it´s not that often that regular users need to move tons of data around that would need the speed. You need the speed because Windows 10 and 11 load so much crap and spyware that the HDD heads can´t keep up. Also in gaming, any game that is DX9 you would get a few fps more on XP than in any newer version.

3- Audio: I have and Auzentech X-raider audio card and I have 2 sets of speakers with one subwoofer. On XP I can setup the driver to provide audio to all the speakers to all software that has audio. And also XP has EAX. Since Vista, Microsoft broke the audio making it more of software and OS controlled instead of hardware. Now here´s the problem. If I try to setup the speakers the way I did on XP it just doesn´t work. If I setup 4 speakers it only works on Windows Mediaplayer. All other software only use 2 speakers. Heck in XP even youtube videos have sound in all speakers.

What are your reasons for using XP? Is it just nostalgia? Or is XP just better ?
XP still works for me, (for what I want to do)
I have a Linux 'Mint Mate' computer for where the powers that be have blocked XP. For me, not too many sites.
All (provider) e-mails on one XP comp. gMAIL on several comps inc. Mate, depending on what mischief I'm up to!
One '7' & one '10' comp, have not turned either one on in (seriously) 2 years.

If it aint broke, dont fix it.
I think that the way Microsoft is able to "force" users to upgrade is with drivers. I think Microsoft introduced "Plug and Play" with Windows 95. But it has never been plug and play unless you have a device that is slightly older than the version of Windows you´re installing. Why are there no generic printer drivers like there are for flash drives? Oh right, because now printer companies want to know how you use your printer to "improve" themselves yea right. :mad: If there were generic drivers for everything MS couldn´t force users to upgrade OS. And if many users stayed on older versions the web itself would be compatible with all versions on Windows. An ideal world that can never happen :(
Nostalgia. I used XP for a decade and a half until browser developers abandoned it and the remaining developers offerings failed to render some modern websites properly. Then there is the issue of other software only being available for modern Windows versions and the difficulty installing XP on newer PCs due to driver issues. I kept it for games but eventually was able to find updated ports and hacks to get all my favorite XP games running on Windows 7+.

So now Windows 7 is my daily driver. I still have my Compaq v2000 with XP. 512 MB RAM means it is miserably slow and since it's 18 years old I have no interest in upgrading it. I still keep Windows XP in VMWare on my new computer so I can fire it up and put it in full screen when I'm waxing nostalgic but not used as often as I used to.
Well, I use Win2003 (kinda close to XP) because its snappy, customizable, stable.
I also invested into that system quite a lot (custom FW, customized settings, tuning).
I really like the system GUI. Its clean and fast (Windows Classic here).
Its one of the last Microsoft systems where user can decided how things looks and works. Indeed, sometimes via registry, but it works!
Win10 shit cannot compare at all. Its shame that this system has been killed.
On all my XP machines, Windows Classic. All my computers work for me. Get the job done as fast as possible. I will not be a slave to the box!!
Excuse me I have to finish this game of solitaire and... oh my movie finished downloading... have to go!
On all my XP machines, Windows Classic. All my computers work for me. Get the job done as fast as possible. I will not be a slave to the box!!
Excuse me I have to finish this game of solitaire and... oh my movie finished downloading... have to go!
Same! I've not had cable TV in ages and now have to rely on streaming TV for free. Honestly, people (IMO) are wasting their money nowadays the prices they charge and they sell your information to everybody and god knows who.

So how was dinner and the movie...? Hopefully enjoyable.

Please do ask (anybody reading, of course) if you need the games I have, some are available from add remove programs if you have your DVD, I know may likely lost it and rely on backups. I can zip or you can search and fetch them just scan the heck out of anything you download these days Lol.

Have ... Fun, Fun, Fun (Till Daddy Takes The T-Bird Away)
Well I use Windows XP 64 and here are my reasons:

1- Stability: I must say that this is the most stable Microsoft OS I´ve ever used. Rock solid. Is extremely rare that a program manages to crash the whole system. Windows 10 or 11 can´t compare. Updates break something very often.

2- Performance: If you use a relatively modern computer with XP 64 you will notice that it feels very snappy. It reminds me of windows 2000 pro. Windows 10 or 11 can´t compare. I think SSDs where created for these crap OSs. I mean it´s not that often that regular users need to move tons of data around that would need the speed. You need the speed because Windows 10 and 11 load so much crap and spyware that the HDD heads can´t keep up. Also in gaming, any game that is DX9 you would get a few fps more on XP than in any newer version.

3- Audio: I have and Auzentech X-raider audio card and I have 2 sets of speakers with one subwoofer. On XP I can setup the driver to provide audio to all the speakers to all software that has audio. And also XP has EAX. Since Vista, Microsoft broke the audio making it more of software and OS controlled instead of hardware. Now here´s the problem. If I try to setup the speakers the way I did on XP it just doesn´t work. If I setup 4 speakers it only works on Windows Mediaplayer. All other software only use 2 speakers. Heck in XP even youtube videos have sound in all speakers.

What are your reasons for using XP? Is it just nostalgia? Or is XP just better ?
hey yesterday i installed windows xp pro x64 off a custom dvd and it is good