why do I have to reboot to get system to recognise CD drive ?

Have a situation with my windows XP where after a day or so I have to reboot/ Restart the XP windows .. this is in order for both of my CD drives ( dvdrom) to 'see' a disc that is manualy inserted .. doesn't matter if it is a data / video or music disc .. any type of disc the dvdrom(s) will not see..
I have tried to update drivers says updates are current .. uninstalled -reinstalled same scenario after a couple days .. once the system has been rebooted I have no problem in seeing DVD / blueray / MP3 data etc etc ..

Now I know that refreshing a windows system is goodthing but every day? I used to (over the years) only had to reboot maybe once every 5 days .....
My virus program is AVG2014 .,and web borwser is Google Chrome 39.0.2171.36 beta-m
my setup is:
Windows XP Professional SP3/ 4 GB Memory/ AMD Radeon HD 7700 series Video Card/2.00 gigahertz AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core.

This Has to be a loaded program or registy problem ...

Ideas ???
Found this, you might try.

Fix for constant reboot for update request on XP..


I run Windows XP and had this problem years ago on an older version. The same happened again when I loaded AVG 2012 so I tried the same thing and it worked perfectly.

Please backup your system/create a restore point before attempting the following as it may cause problems and you need to be able to back track. Proceed at your own risk!

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AVG2012\Cfg

rename: updatecomps.cfg to updatecomps.cfg.old

run avg updater


That fixed it for me and I hope you have the same luck


Or you could simply get a newer and better Virus checker