White and black bar lines between bios screen and windows logo

I recently reinstalled XP in my dell dimension 3000.
The Bios version is A00. Should I upgrade to a newer version? Does this affect even the performance of the computer?
I don't know if it is relative but since I re installed XP and 2 files could not be copied, the h323 and another one (i don't remember the name...something about gui...) when I turn the computer and after the bios screen, it takes about 10 minutes to load the windows.
I see a line with white and black bars across the screen for about 10 minutes....
Does it have to do with the version.

P.S. I installed all the drivers and in the device manager there are no yellow exclamation marks.
Please advice and thanks
new version bios is A03, install instructions:

Download file to Desktop

The file D3000A03.EXE is using the Universal (Windows/ DOS) format and is designed to be directly executed from Windows environment.

Click Download now.
The File Download window appears.

Click the Save button.
The Save As window appears.

Select Desktop using the drop-down menu to the right of Save in.

Click the Save button.
A progress meter moves as the download is completed.

If necessary, click X in the upper right-hand corner of the Download Progress Window to close it upon completion.

NOTE: Shut down all other applications prior to running the BIOS update utility. The update utility reboots your system in order to get the new BIOS loaded.

above from here

My pc takes 1 minute or less to load there is a problem with your system, see if the new bios version will help and then run autoruns to see what is starting up:



I would scrutinize what you have loading on StartUp. You need to see if you have programs loading during boot process which might be changed to on demand.
With Autoruns you can uncheck an item, which disables it from starting, or you can right click an item and then delete it. If you uncheck you can recheck to re-enable the item. It is a much safer approach than editing the Registry and better than using msconfig.
Another useful feature of the program is that you can right click an item and select Search Online to get information about the item selected.
When using Autoruns you will need to click on the "Logon" tab to see what is running at start-up.
you are so helpful ALWAYS!
I will do it.
Is it worthy trying to defrag the hard drive? or follow your advice first?
Thank you again for all your time...
the article about updating the bios scared me a little..
I think I shouldn't mess up with BIOS version...it is OK if it takes 10 minutes to show the windows start up screen (I counted the time)....
It is a secondary computer and of no importance at all, but should I try the defragment of the hard drive? is it a safer thing to do first?
If not I will leave it like that (I will try the Autoruns though)
THANK YOU FOR everything...you are great!
always defragment, at least once a week, if it is more than say 5% I would defrag.

if you have just reinstalled and have not defragmented yet, you will be at approx 30% fragmented. !!
reply 2: I updated my bios about 3 years ago and it has stayed updated through all my reinstalls since then, it is a Firmware update. not a software update.

Dell recommends the customer review specifics about the update to determine if it applies to your system. The update contains changes that impact only certain configurations, or provides new features that may/may not apply to your environment.

it is only an optional update but I would update it if I were you. But, it is your choice. :)
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Thank you!
I will do!
It is funny, because I thought defragment is something so hard and complicated and that should be done once every 5 years, and you said weekly and I am just laughing at myself!
I will do tomorrow for sure!