Which Windows is best in 2020?

No one here knows which Windows versions (XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10) your laptop and its devices support.
You need to provide us with its brand name and model name and model number and serial number.
basically every windows EXCEPT windows 10 wich i reccommend you to avoid at al costs even tough on the tech news sites they say its good its not! its unreliable and its a privacy hazard.
what does the license sticker under or on the sides if its a desktop it say?
basically every windows EXCEPT windows 10 wich i reccommend you to avoid at al costs even tough on the tech news sites they say its good its not! its unreliable and its a privacy hazard.
what does the license sticker under or on the sides if its a desktop it say?
The LTSC version is aight tho. I couldnt even go back to the normal bloated version with all of the nags once I used it.