where to find update uaa bus driver for hd audio for hp prodesk 6005 XP64

i just came across an old desktop with athlon II x2 processor and hd4200 and because of my disappointment with some laptop i was eager to see if this was easier..
installing xp64 was a breeze, usb worked, got most drivers.
however it missed on the microsoft uaa bus driver for hd audio with an exclamation mark.
when installing the realtek audio drivers it states i should first update the uaa bus driver, however i cannot find it.
i suppose that should be part of the amd catalyst south bridge driver...i a few until 14.4

the patch that is available on the hp website (sp32646.exe) didn't work for me (and was actually intended for later gen laptop and pc)

does anybody have experience with this problem and knows how to solve it?
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Search the 'pci\whatever' in google and check out the different drivers that come up--one of them will work. :)
i don't know where i downloaded it, but if you find
sp51747.exe realtec audio driver, it will solve your uaa problem as far as i know.
i've attached an zipped, unpacked exe if you can't find it and trust me ;)