Where to find file location of wallpaper files

I'm new here and I'm not very computer savvy. I am trying to find the files for the desktop wallpapers on my old computer that is running a version of Windows XP (OK, it's not really XP, it's XP Vienna - a XP/Windows 7 hybrid) and it keeps crashing. I want to save some of the unique wallpapers to install on XP when I reinstall it. Thank you in advance.
Assuming you have a standard installation, the BMP tiles are in C:\Windows
and the 800x600 background JPGs are in C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper. Substitute
C:\Windows for your %systemroot% if necessary.

BMP Files from %Systemroot% (WINDOWS folder)

BMP, JPG, GIF, JPE, DIB, PNG, HTM files from the following locations:
%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Pictures
%AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User


you might have to do some searching for Vienna, or for any of the extensions listed above.
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Thank you. I'm trying to resurrect my old Dell Dimension 8250 (it's at least 12 years old) and found the XP Vienna program online. I guess my computer isn't able to handle it, so I'm just going to reinstall XP. This computer isn't my primary or secondary or even thirdidary (is that even a word? I don't think so!), but I keep it around for just in case.
Make sure it's a .Jpg format if you dont want any borders around the text of the icons on your desktop screen. And make sure you're getting youre wallpapers from somewhere safe.
Me, i use google images. =)