Where is Service Pack 3?


I had to format my HD and re install XP from my Dell restore disk. (My virus protection was turned off and many questionable sites accessed. Malware, virus etc etc found their way onto my system. NOT A HAPPY DAY.)

Service Pack 2 and IE6 are installed ok, but for the life of me, I can't find SP3.

I've been to the Microsoft site numerous times, and have found SP3 for IT professionals, multi lingual editions and on and on.

Am I looking in the wrong place?

Am I overlooking something obvious?

Thank you in advance!

SP3 seems to be working, thank you.

Now, how do I get a more current version of IE?

When I download the IE8 update, it says the version if IE I have installed does not match the update I'm trying to install.

I'm confused.

I don't like IE, but some sites I use require it.

Can you help?

Hello from Aunty Jack,

SP3 for XP (Home and Professional) is available at Majorgeeks.com as well. Has always worked for me when doing a fresh install of XP Home or Professional. Ummm, ie8, I don't like it either but it is working on my setup. Perhaps a more able mind like a very helpful person with the name starting with "E" and ending in "23" might have a better idea than my compromised synapses can come up with.

Cheers from Aunty Jack.

above is my onedrive you can go to the public folder and download ie8 (16.1MB) and the updates, or as long as sp3 is finally installed you can go to start/all programs/ at the very top it should say windows update go there and a few updates will be installed to bring it up to microsoft updates, then you can do a high priority scan and start installing all of the needed updates.
Am I correct that IE8 is the most recent version that will run on XP?

I don't care for IE either, but some of the sites I visit will only respond to IE.
Thanks again for all of your assistance.

I just installed Java on the machine that is being rebuilt.

Java (I think this is what happened) updated IE6 (which came with my XP SP2 disk) to IE8.
unless you really need java for certain sites I would uninstall it. Have not used java for at least 7 yrs.

But, if you need it then, please, keep it updated. :)

After that get SP4 (Unofficial), because it has every update.

And never update to any other version. Windows XP is the best.

(I have used them all from Windows 95)
Re Service pack 4

Am I to understand one can get SP4 for WindowsXP? I have also use ever MS OS from 95 thru 7, but the last SP for XP I have is SP3. I am still trying to delete 7 on my laptop and install XP in it.
Elizabeth23, your link to ie8 shows an empty folder.

Is ie8 available anywhere?

I still need IE for some of my sites.


(I'm trying to download Chrome and can't with ie6, at least I think that is the problem)
IE6 doesn't load SkyDrive anymore:

'It's time to update your browser'

And Microsoft took off their own download link for IE8 as they are idiots.

FileHippo's download is the proper thing and not a malicious installer. :)
Wait. You said Java was updated IE.

And Microsoft doesn't have the IE8 installer anymore, FileHippo isn't infected with rubbish either. In fact I downloaded IE8 from there and reverted to my beloved IE6 because it was ugly and took up most of the screen with the tabs and such.

SkyDrive (OneDrive) doesn't work on IE6 either.
I do not use IE except for a very few websites, I use firefox. Which can still get onedrive, ie8 only gets one drive now and then.

Using filehippo is your choice, and filehippo has a pretty good reputation. :)
That's true, because I don't think they ever had a 'bundleware installer', and the fact you can get an old version of the software.

Oh, and my double post was a bug, I posted, couldn't see my post and then I made a duplicate.