When Windows XP starts the firewall is turned off and it turns on after 2 minutes

the first thing I would do is run scans

a full antivirus scan and a full on demand scan from malwarebytes free

after those are run and all found items are quarantined, then I would run checkdisk with the /r parameter at least twice, until no errors have been found and fixed.

anything messing with your firewall to me that is an infection and the very best thing to do but not many people want to do this, is a complete drive wipe (which will kill all infections) with dban and then a reinstall of xp
the first thing I would do is run scans

a full antivirus scan and a full on demand scan from malwarebytes free

after those are run and all found items are quarantined, then I would run checkdisk with the /r parameter at least twice, until no errors have been found and fixed.

anything messing with your firewall to me that is an infection and the very best thing to do but not many people want to do this, is a complete drive wipe (which will kill all infections) with dban and then a reinstall of xp
i reinstalled xp and done!
is the issue with the firewall still valid?

I have the security center disabled on my pc and I keep a shortcut to the firewall on my desktop, several times a day I check it, if you cannot ever open the firewall then that means that an infection is present. (note: this is the windows firewall, I do not use any other firewall, :) .)