What is the most powerful laptop with Windows XP?

Hello everyone.

I have Windows XP professional SP3 with all (at least I think) updates released for posready2009 on different HP laptops of the HP550 series with an SSD hard disk and 3GB of RAM and I have to say that I feel good.

Now I should like to know if exist (and surely exist) some laptops most recents of my laptop and who have most powerful processors, graphic chips and other pheripherals

I would like to ask all of you what is the laptop (I would like HP very much) more powerful on which XP can run, therefore the most recent, or with the most powerful processor so that it can get the maximum speed from a system with Windows XP. Obviously it must be a model for which the appropriate drivers exist, at least for the main peripherals (Video, audio, usb etc....).

Thanks in advance.
My old IBM ThinkPad G40 came with XP Pro (32 bit) and had a P4 3GHz processor and 2 GB or RAM.
It was the dream machine of its day.
For a O/S that was designed for systems with 128 MB RAM it was swimming in resources.
It ran everything very quickly.
The legacy browsers of the day were not nearly as "needy" as their 2019 counterparts.
Unfortunately the original HDD bit the dust early this summer and I transplanted another IDE drive and installed Linux Mint XFCE v19.2 (32 bit) on it. The G40 holds its own with the light version of Linux Mint installed. Definitely not a gamer but definitely holds its own.