what a mess! HELP!

I have an older 17" laptop, an HP Pavillion DV8125nr, entertainment edition. It works perfectly, and since I have 2 new Dell studio desktop computers, I no longer use the laptop, I would like to sell it, as it should be worth a couple of bucks. I didn't want my personal information going with it, so I thought I could just wipe the 2 hard drives (I did, using Stompsoft Drive Washer). I then reinstalled xp, (I am the original owner and registered it when I bought it). It reinstalled perfectly, but at one point in the installation, it asked to register or let me do it later. I chose later (big mistake). I then reloaded the drivers, and 8 separate disks for various programs. I want Microsoft Security Essentials. They won't load until I have a "pullup manager" ??? And I can't get that unless I have installed SP3 (I have SP2 installed). I cannot download SP3 until I register xp. I can't do that either. Instructions don't work, I am not being offered a chance to register anywhere on my computer, or at startup, etc. I am just going around in circles. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

You will have to download sp3 from a different pc and carry over to the afflicted pc.

since you have an HP you problably need this patch:

Courtesy of Tricky 300
Before you install SP3 read this article…


…and if your PC is an HP Pavilion, Presario or Media Center and has an AMD processor you need to install this patch before installing SP3…


…to find out if you have an AMD processor...

•Hold down the Windows key (between Ctrl and Alt) and hit the Pause Break key

•Your processor type is shown in the Computer: section

Then install SP3 by downloading and running from...


…you can ignore the text that says that it is for network installations and also ignore the text advising Windows/Microsoft Update if only updating one PC.

Reboot twice after installing.

1. before updates will work, you have to have sp3, ie8, and the latest windows installer, and the cumulative update for ie8

install sp3 BEFORE you install ie8
yet another Microsoft roadblock

Hello, Elizabeth23,

Thank you for your kind response. Microsoft evidently is spiteful, and anything they made on the computer is being changed, removed, blocked, etc. due to the registration thing. It seems anyone who has had to reinstall windows xp due to having to replace the motherboard, or do a repair on the original windows xp, etc. I tried to do what you suggested, but windows xp SP3 says it cannot be downloaded on a 64 bit system, which all of mine are, including the HP laptop! Now, Microsoft's Internet Explorer refuses to allow my Bing home page, the search engine, or the Internet Explorer toolbars, which have disappeared. Now the Internet Explorer in the list at the START bar says Internet Explorer is running without add-ons, and nothing allows you to add them or turn them back on. .I don't know what to do at this point. Why is Microsoft being so vindictive? They know this is an issue with legitimate customers. They know if they have to reload a registered system they are going to face a nightmare from Microsoft. Anyideas?

Thank you again,

there is not an sp3 for 64 bit, it stops at sp2.

There's no SP3 for the 64-bit version of Windows XP. If you're running the 64-bit version of Windows XP with SP2, you have the latest service pack and will continue to be eligible for support and receive updates until April 8, 2014.

from here

Registering is optional, activation is necessary.

I can find no pullup manager info, could you post a screenshot?