wep key gets saved differant from what i put in

Hi my name is tim and i am new to this forum. I am having an issue with windows saving my wep key to somthing other than what i type in when i go to connect to my wireless network. My wep key is a 10 digit key that i cannot change. but wep i plug the key into windows, It automatically changes it to something only 8 digits long, and therfore the computer wont connect to my router. any idea why it wont save the key i type in to connect with? using windows xp home edition sevice pack 3. broadcom 803.11g network adaptor. strangley enough the wired conection does not see the cable being pluged in aswell. even though under network propertys, both the wireless, and wired adaptors say the are working properly. please help. thanks.
1. do you use windows wireless connection or your pc's wireless connection??

2. what it the make, model, and model number of your pc??

3. make, model, and model number of your wifi??


do all the number keys work on your keyboard??


Have a look in the router's settings to check the security key. The eight asterisks you see are only masking the actually key so it could be any length. Everything you need to know about how to get into the settings pages is in our Sticky Post on the subject and here is a link to it. http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/38111-18-find-chang...

from this link

and leads to this link


many hits on this issue at this google search page