W-XP Monthly Updates and MS-Office Suite

I know that MS has stopped security updates for XP, but I have MS-Office Suite loaded on my PC and it still gets updates. Starting last month (on the second Tuesday) my system CPU became totally consumed (100%) and I finally determined that it was trying to get the monthly updates for Office. I had the Windows update set to "tell me when there are updates but don't download or install them". There were 3 security updates for Office, that finally came through and after that my system was back to normal, but it took forever for the updates to download and tell me they were there. Well, here it is again, the second Tuesday in the month time, and my PC became totally consumed again. I totally turned off Windows Auto update, rebooted and things are back to normal again. So, I tried to go to IE and manually look for and download updates but it just kept "trying" but would not download anything for a very long time and had my CPU at 100% the entire time; but I noticed there was no modem activity so my system could not connect to try and download anything. I ended the try and things went back to normal. Has MS changed something on the site for XP as to download for their products that are still receiving updates. I can run find if I keep the Windows auto download turned completely off, but I'd rather be able to get the Office updates once per month at least. Thanks in advance for any help and/or insight to this issue. PS: I'm running IE-8, could that be the issue for the update process "trying" to download and it's so old it can't ??
MS really does not want anyone using xp, however find the kb number of the update and manually download it and then install. I have office 2003 and every now and then I go check to see if any compatibility updates are available (2007 and 2010 office). but I keep automatic updates turned off until I decide to check for updates, I have not checked in 4 months and my programs are still running okay.

turn off auto updates and just turn on once a month to check for updates, then choose which ones you want or just download them manually.
MS really does not want anyone using xp, however find the kb number of the update and manually download it and then install. I have office 2003 and every now and then I go check to see if any compatibility updates are available (2007 and 2010 office). but I keep automatic updates turned off until I decide to check for updates, I have not checked in 4 months and my programs are still running okay.

turn off auto updates and just turn on once a month to check for updates, then choose which ones you want or just download them manually.

Thanks for the reply. I really like XP; bought this system in 2005 and have it running just the way I want. Started out with a work PC back in the mid 80's on DOS, got my first "home" PC in '91 with IBM/PC DOS, got my first Windows system in 95 with W-95 and started online using NetScape for a browser. I'm still using NetScape 7.2 for my email client and love it. Never liked MS-IE, so started using FireFox on this system as soon as it came out and am now up to release 52-ESR (Extended Security Release) as they have stopped new feature releases as of last month for XP users. They said they will poll their records this coming September to see how many XP users they have and depending on that number might consider extending the ESR; time will tell. I'm holding off on getting a new system with W-10 as long as I can, but we will eventually get pushed into a corner and have to change.
As for this current post, I decided to try and download April MS updates the old fashioned way using IE-8 via Microsoft Update. I waited until I was finished with what I wanted to do online and then just dedicated my PC to the download. It took about 20 minutes and I ended up with two (2) small security updates for my old Office Product. (compatibility sp-3). I'll just leave the "Automatic Update" feature turned off and put a note on my calendar to do the routine as above each 2nd Tuesday of the month. I don't know what changed as the monthly updates never bogged down my system like they started to do in March 2017; something had to change ???
Thanks again for the reply and good luck with using XP as long a we can.
yeah I agree, I only like xp, but at work they have to upgrade as the online autozone and oriellys etc, all will not work on xp anymore. :)