Videos playing in media player are really slow...

I'm looking for an answer to why vids are slow playing in winxp I've got a bunch of lav splitters programs that I've never seen before. I don't think it's the computer, but I can't seem to sync the audio or video together at the same speed
are these videos that you have downloaded to your pc or ones you are watching online?

I could not get the two synced up no matter what I tried when I watched online but it was not with every video only with some, but once I download a video to play on MPC-HC, there is not a sync problem even if it has a sync problem online. I have done nothing to the settings since I am not knowledgeable as to what they do, the only setting I have changed is to remove the lav splitters from my notification tray.
I rarely can even play you tube on my xp, one thing that was nuclear in performance increase, was to put almost all my stored files and info on to
128 Gb flash drives hanging in the back, and I back up everything to one plugged in the front of machine.

Some movie/file down loads from weirdo sites are broken and will never sync.

Sometimes I must re start WMP and that will sync the sound.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I'm not sure if anyone here still uses Windows Media Player 6.4 (this version is still accessible and available in Windows XP SP3 via the 'mplayer2.exe' stub), but if you download/install the K-Lite Codec Pack (version 13.8.5, which is the very last one released for Windows XP SP3) you'll be able to play virtually all media (audio/video) with no problems!

WMP 6.4 is a fascinating's one of the few media players I know of that will function properly in 256 colors (all codecs work properly at that color depth, even when you install this super-modern version of K-Lite), and it uses significantly less RAM than others I've tried. I'm no longer using Winamp or VLC...when I discovered how useful this old WMP version becomes with the K-Lite pack installed, I migrated back and haven't looked back!
WMP 6.4 is a fascinating beast

ha ha ha ha HOW ARE YOU CAFF :D:D:D:D:D:D

but your post is truly most helpful and informative, liz has a corrective tool for WMP
that is good to keep in a fix it file to be used when needed.

Stay safe out there. :):):)
ha ha ha ha HOW ARE YOU CAFF :D:D:D:D:D:D

but your post is truly most helpful and informative, liz has a corrective tool for WMP
that is good to keep in a fix it file to be used when needed.

Stay safe out there. :):):)

You too, my friend! WMP actually isn't bad at all, at least up to version 6.4. 7 is when it started to go downhill...6.4 was the last 'sensible' version. MPC-HC is derived from the old interface of 6.4, and in some ways an improvement, though I still prefer 6.4 because of its lower overhead. If Liz's tool will work with WMP6.4, I'm definitely willing to give it a try!
I noticed also my YouTube vids I'm watching are really slow too

Hi "Darren" .:D
their is a medium setting when you install "K-Lite" performance pack, that works thru your windows MP, and gives it the kick in the pants it needs.
I am trying to be more witty then CAFF, but i think i have met my match :rolleyes: in him.
I noticed also my YouTube vids I'm watching are really slow too

congrats on even getting them to play, my machine wont play em any more,
But I really think I need a new disk drive, it makes grinding noises and some times growls even tho the Comp is off. :eek:
I keep a baseball bat by the bed is case it gets any ideas o_O
I love your twist on words, truly i am laughing my butt off.
thanks for the huge chuckle :):eek::)
I know it sounds like a late April Fools' joke--believe me, I was just as surprised as you are! With the K-Lite Codec Pack, this 20-year-old WMP version becomes a true heavyweight which can play ANY file you throw at it, and uses less RAM than modern players in the process. Just for the heck of it, I wanted to give it a try after finding out K-Lite support for XP ended, and stunningly enough it worked just as well with such an ancient piece of software as it would with a newer one.