Video Controller SW needed

Newbie here; My XP box: A Gateway M280E Convertible Notebook PC, running MS Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005, V. 2000, 32-bit OS. I'm in need of video drivers. Within "Device Manager / 'Other devices"...'Video Controller and Video Controller (VGA Compatible)' I have the ominous yellow question marks, + the message "The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)" I tried to capture the drivers from Gateway's two System Recovery CD's, but what I need wasn't on them. I tried to capture the video drivers from Gateway's web site; they're not there. Various reviews of this chunky laptop say the video hardware is from Intel. At Intel's support pages, I found a download for GPU / VPU (Intel GMA900). It turns out that the GMA900 file dates back to 2005 and is still in use, so I downloaded it, but it's not functional on my Gateway. Maybe it is not compatible. I've downloaded MS generic VGA drivers, but the files don't come with an install wizard, so I'm stuck. Can anyone here give me some guidance?

How To Find Drivers For An Unrecognized Device

1. Open Device Manager (Control Panel>System>Hardware>Device Manager)
2. The hardware whose drivers are missing will appear as Unknown device, so it's easier to locate the device.
3. Right click on the unknown device and click on Properties.
4. Under the Properties window click on Details tab and select Device Instance Id from the drop down box.
5. You should see a code similar to this


6. The portion of the code highlighted in RED is the Vendor ID and the portion highlighted in GREEN is the Device ID. In this example:

Vendor ID = 8086
Device ID = 27DC

7. Once you have obtained both the IDs, proceed to
Elizabeth, indeed, the vendor is Intel, the Device ID is 2792, and it's known as
Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller. Now I've got to figure out how to get hold of that SW download. Your knowledge and clear guidance...exceeds my expectations.

By the Version numbers, both you listed above appear to be the same.

I ended up downloading two; a) V. WIN8_32_1528 and b) V.
I think I fumbled around trying to install a) V. WIN8_32_1528 (a zipped folder) and got spooked when the 'install' failed.

I got overwhelmed with the choices that did not match up with the
' Dev. ID 2792 ' that the website said the Gateway originally had?

Are you thinking that V. (what you noted two times above) should work? I see that these are .exe releases, which should be easier for me to manage than any zipped set of files.

BTW, thanks for all that you and are doing !
okay, I had not checked the second link :)

when I looked at pci lookup there was only one listed for that device id.

win xp has an easy way to extract files from a zip package, right click on .zip and choose extract all, or you can download and install 7zip program for free and it will do the same, one other thing that sometimes stops an install is to right click on a file and choose properties, when a file has been downloaded sometimes it will have a box to unblock file, click this box press apply/ok and the block goes away.

according to intel this is the one that should work, BUT also according to intel some OEM computers have drivers from the pc manufacturer that have been tweaked for the OEM product , my intel drivers all came from Dell , but if intel says that is the one you want then install,

NOTE: do you know that when you install drivers that the chipset driver has to be installed first?
Yikes. I've drafted a reply, but there's a problem. I want to attach a document with .doc file extension, but it's rejected, here's the message: "The uploaded file does not have an allowed extension. leo's M280E specs + data.doc" I drafted it with Apache / Open Office and converted it to a MS Office file, ending with .doc I'm not finding any 'allowable file format guidance' at XPforum's help pages ....

compress to a zip package and then attach, I zipped a file on the registry fixes I use and it is a .doc within a zip, it attached fine. :)


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From the getgo, please look at the attachment. It's a chart;
The L column represents published data for a Gateway M280E.
The R column has data I've pulled from my M280E.

In my M280E's System Properties / Hardware / Device Manager tab, i've got 2 yellow ?? at the Other devices / Video Controller and the Video Controller (VGA Compatible) tabs;
My gut-feeling is that...neither of these is the Chipset driver ? If I'm right, how do I identify and find an appropriate chipset driver?

This indented info represents one set of what I'll call " apparently appropriate drivers". This is the same as what's in the attached chart's R column.

Here is the data for the upper ?, identified as: "Video Controller": PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2792&SUBSYS_0610107B&REV_04\3&B1BFB68&0&11

Here is the data for the lower ?, identified as "Video Controller (VGA Compatible": POV\VEN_8086&DEV_2592&SUBSYS_0610107B&REV_04\3&B1BFB6&0&10​

An ex-IT Manager friend pointed me to Gateway's download site, where I discovered and downloaded two files, see below:

This indented info represents a different set of "apparently appropriate drivers" The two I downloaded are identified as from Intel:

Express Chipset Family Video Driver V​

It seems I have a choice of 2 different 'driver sets'. What is your best advice on how I should proceed / which pair to install?



  • leo's M280E specs +
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  • leo's M280E specs +
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chipset and video are two different drivers, even though it says chipset video, it is just for video,

install chipset first then the video driver and if the other yellow does not go away then we can look for that particular driver, but according to pci lookup they are both the same

An AH-HA moment. On Monday, you sent me a link to an Intel file, V I just noticed that it references ...Graphics Drivers for Mobile Intel® 915GM/GMS, 910GML Express Chipset Family. Then I realized that my M280E is supposed to have as its CHIPSET.....Intel(R) 915GM Chipset with DDR2 Support. I sense that this is significant, So,

1) My current chipset at /My Computer /System Properties /Hardware /Device Manager / IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers has no YELLOW flags;

2) Does that mean all 3 line-entries within that tab are healthy;

3) Would that suggest I might have an appropriate Chipset Driver already in place

4) Would alll of the above suggest that installing the Graphics Driver V (you sent me the link to that) would be appropriate.

5) And I'd be wise to set a restore point before doing an install of the Graphics Driver V ? !

6) And if yes, my next challenge is to set up that restore point.

If I still need to find and install a Chip Driver: Did you send me one / how do I find that at Intel? I sense that we're getting close to getting this issue fixed...

YES !! I was anxious after installing the 1st download...still had the nasty yellow ??, but after installing the 2nd batch, all's well. I read somewhere out there that hibernation would not work unless what you guided me through was successful. Yup, sure enough, hibernation is now available.

"Search engines are your friend"; A while back, I discovered Jam SW's Ultra Search; if you're not familiar with it, go have a look-see.

I'll be back to y'all soon. I didn't buy this used Gateway for it's tablet features. Some of them are a nuisance, esp. it's 'Tablet Input Panel'. That feature has a persistent and seemingly impossible to remove icon at the R end of the task bar / next to the notification area. When I tap it by accident, the input panel pops up and bumps my icons helter skelter all over the desktop; it's gotta go.

Any way, thank you for your help.

FWIW, Hatboro is my home town.
The icon lives in it's own unique zone within the taskbar. Taskbar unlocked, that zone can be stretched, but nothing but the icon can be in there. When locked, it's tight against the ' what's running + clock' zone. I did a system-wide search for "tablet pc input panel / tablet pc input," and get no results. I searched for " tablet pc" and I get hits but no obvious links to icons. I'm guessing XP has no unified folder for all of it's various icons?

RE Open Office, I'll start with a fresh post. Thanks.....