
Enjoy your Oregon vacation.
And stay safe and well.

I've been on vacation for 17 years.
It's called "early retirement".
I'm guessing one of your family fights was politically-motivated. :mad:
not really every single one of my 10 brothers and sisters is a control freak, they can not seem to just live each day, they can when they are home but get us together and then every one has to do it THIS way or not at all. but I had not seen any of them for 20 years, so I could handle a week, :)
10 sibling control freaks under one roof? :eek:

At least you're back now to your peaceful home. :D

except for the fact that I have done 4 loads of wash and several days of dishes, I am surprised my husband did not starve or go naked, :), but yeah I am glad to be home.