usbscan.sys induced BSOD/crash after sleep or hibernate

My system is a Lenovo T61p running XPSP3. Upon restarting after any sleep or hibernate, I'll get a BSOD which identifies usbscan.sys as the culprit. The BSOD can occur immediately upon restart, or occasionally after 5-60 minutes of "normal operation". I do not have any scanner, or other device serviced by usbscan.sys, attached to the system.

To remedy this situation I've tried:

1) examine the mini-dumps for more clues, but dumpchk.exe does not provide useful information.
2) delete the usbscan.sys file manually, however it magically and instantaneously re-appears.
3) disable the entire driver, but have been unable to determine if/how this can be achieved
4) ..reading anything there is to read on BSODs after sleep/hibernate, investigating that the problem may be other than usbscan.sys and applying changes that might help, but nothing has worked.
5) ..applying aLenovo-supplied patch for this problem, however it only is available for Vista.

I'd appreciate any ideas or suggestions anyone has to help resolve this matter. It's driving me quite mad. Thanks. :)