USB Issues

I currently am unable to see my sd memory card when it is inserted in the slot in my floppy disk card reader while in xp. There are also intermittent issues whereby sometimes the usb slots themselves do not work with other card readers, or complain that there are faster usb connectors available. The card works fine, however, and shows up when I am booted into Vista or Win7 or Linux. I thought that the card slot was just worn out, but it seems like something else is going on. I have an Asus P5B-VM mobo with a Core-2-Quad CPU. Any suggestions on trouble shooting this issue? It's signficiant to me as most of my video and photo software is on my xp partition. Thanks in advance for any replies
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have searched the following links, I do not use a sd card so I hope that these links may help you out, please read them carefully, especially the downloads from microsoft, see if they are already installed on your pc through microsoft updates, or the links are the actually manual download.
hot fix from 2008
has some info on the file system
download to support exfat file system
for the exfat file system
allows sd cards in xp

go here and see if asus needs a different driver for sd cards, let it check your system.
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Thanks very much for the reply. All three sd-related hotfixes indicated that they were older than included with the service packs already installed, so were not installed. My cards are all formatted in Fat32. I have not used ex-fat formatting. The problem has been intermittent over the past year or so - sometimes the card has been detected in XP and sometimes not. It hasn't been detected in XP in more than a month, though. If I had the same problem in my other operating systems, I would assume it was related to my hardware, but such is not the case. I am thinking now it is related to some corruption in the XP updates or in the system generally. Being that I can usually get the data downloaded using a different card reader plugged into a usb port, it's probably not worth spending much time struggling with. I had been thinking about purchasing a USB3 PCI card from Ebay. That may be the answer and should get me better speed as well. I assume that these PCI adapter cards will not be affected by the problems I have at the moment.
if there is the possibility of corruption, then run checkdisk with the /r parameter from the recovery console chkdsk c: /r allow to finish and if any errors are found then you need to run it again and again until no errors are found, then try your card again.
I've been re-installing various drivers associated with the motherboard. It's interesting that the chipset drivers installed are more-recent than the latest version now offered and I couldn't overwrite the newer ones with the older ones because of permissions issues, etc. I often run chkdsk /r/f but will try it again. Thanks. It is interesting also that all I have to do is to connect the card via one of those 98-cent usb card readers and it is detected right away. It's not much of an issue - just a curiosity being that it is something that has cropped up over time but doesn't happen with the newer OS's.