USB device connect/disconnect

I have USB device connect/disconnect problems for nearly 1 year on my home built Intel system. I have been living with the problem but it does appear to be growing worse as time goes on. Where once it would bing-bong at random times it now does-so similarly but in fits of 40 per hour, particularly while gaming, and it is not cured by a reboot, rather the dc's will just carry-on immediately following the windows XP welcome screen.

PnPmon.exe monitoring USB devices observes an endless string of these events, the following representing a few minutes and carrying on like this for the duration of an hour or so, after which the problem disappears for anywhere from a few minutes to a few weeks.

Category: 'HIDs'
Name: \\?\HID#Vid_2185&Pid_0102#7&1d8c6c7a&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
Category: 'USB Devices'
Name: \\?\USB#Vid_2185&Pid_0102#6&bc0d3f6&0&2#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
Category: 'USB Devices'
Name: \\?\USB#Vid_2185&Pid_0102#6&bc0d3f6&0&2#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
Category: 'HIDs'
Name: \\?\HID#Vid_2185&Pid_0102#7&1d8c6c7a&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
Category: 'HIDs'
Name: \\?\HID#Vid_04d9&Pid_1702&MI_01&Col02#8&20ba2fce&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
Category: 'HIDs'
Name: \\?\HID#Vid_04d9&Pid_1702&MI_01&Col01#8&20ba2fce&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
Category: 'Keyboards'
Name: \\?\HID#Vid_04d9&Pid_1702&MI_00#8&387dbc13&0&0000#{884b96c3-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}
Category: 'HIDs'
Name: \\?\HID#Vid_04d9&Pid_1702&MI_00#8&387dbc13&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
Category: 'USB Devices'
Name: \\?\USB#Vid_04d9&Pid_1702#6&bc0d3f6&0&3#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
Applies to media

It rotates through my USB devices favoring no particular item in the broad outlook but rather picking on one repeatedly only to randomly switch to another when it gets bored. The two prime suspects listed above are my game controller and my USB keyboard, it lacks a functioning third choice as my Video capture is quite typically not in use and my USB mouse plugs in through the ps2 port and remains unaffected.

During one recent mass of disconnects the windows XP 'safely remove hardware' icon which usually lives on the far right of my task bar shifted advancing to the left, ahead of recently opened program icons like mirc, as though the remove icon had just closed and reopened after those other icons. I mention this as this icon is used typically in relation to removing USB drives.

99% of the time the disconnected devices reconnect within 5-20 seconds with only once needing a reboot to reconnect the keyboard. Most disconnects are simply a loss of function while remaining powered even though there only source of power is the usb port itself.

Early on it was as likely to suffer connect/disconnect issues while idling quietly in the middle of the night as it was in the heat of battle or while typing furiously but now it seems to do so mostly while being used

My USB disconnect notes: During recycle bin empty, big fan on and off, fan off again 1 day later, after turning on hottub, completion of brief download or fan off, definitely big fan off. opened a cannot render video file now named USB_Burps.mpg in Programs - did not repeat when done again, no other power usage spikes at the time, Turning on heat pad while top fan ran from overnight, 1 hour later sitting quietly doing nothing at all. and again 5 minutes later still doing little just checking emails, and one hour later while emptying recycle bin which made no sound, just the dc ding-dong which did not trigger when emptied again a minute later which did use the recycle bin emptying sound. usb dc many times during lightning storm, once at monitor power on.

I have power my system on two separate circuits. This is a new house with professional wiring of the highest quality using 10 amp breakers, I have no electrical issues, no high draw items that run automatically.

This computer is all box new, otherwise functioning very well, bought in 2013 from amazon and newegg (only the video card was used and reshrink wrapped to be sold as new by not-so-newegg)

Windows XProsp3ntfx4
Intel i3-3225 Processor HD4000
Intel DH61CRB3 Motherboard - Drivers: Bios - BEH6110H.86A.0118.EB, Chipset - INF_allOS_9.4.0.102, MEI_allOS_8.1.0.1248_1.5M_PV <--(Latests as of 2013-10-20) & AUD_XP_5.10.0.6710_PV, GFX_XP32_6.14.10.5437 with HD4000 disabled and 1024MB RAM allocated to it. Running in IDE mode with no other bios changes
2-Kingston 2GB Hyper X Blu DDR3 SDRAM 1333
LG CD-DVD Burner 24x DVD+R

--Everything below this came after the USB problems began, most in an attempt to resolve the problem--
Sparkle GeForce GTX 560 SE 1 GB DDR5 - Driver 327.23 <--(Latests as of 2013-10-20)
Western Digital WD Blue WD10EZEX 1 TB
Azio Large Print Tricolor USB 2.0 Keyboard - preceded by ps2 keyboard
Logitech MX310 USB 2.0 6-Button Gaming mouse - preceded by 8yo same
Snakebyte FFXIV USB 2.0 12 Button game controller- preceded by 3yo same
DIAMOND VC500 USB 2.0 Video Capture Device
Antec Sonata III Mid Tower w/ Earthwatts 500 Bronze 80 PSU
AOC e2752Vh 27" LED/LCD
Passmark benchmarked at: 2,041 (Suck-it, XP haters) 15% faster than my little bros win7 i7

And meanwhile my 11 year old, home built all Intel Pentium 2.4, Blue Mountain II, running a nearly identical suite of software, works and idles quietly using this ones former USB devices and has never burped once. All productive ideas toward solving this problem and not voicing your own unrelated opinions are welcome, but, if at anytime you find your response chooses to use the words 'obsolete' or 'no longer supported', please click your browsers back button before you hit post as you have nothing to add to this conversation and it is likely your ego is needed elsewhere.

All productive ideas welcome.