USB C to Ethernet Bridge

I may have to ask this question on a more specialised forum (not sure where), but I thought I will try here first, as people on this site have been so helpful in the past.

I live in a place where an ISP is a monopoly broadband provider.

After countless problems with them, I decided to be rid of them. (No internet for most of 2021!)

So, for a little while, 4G, or if I am lucky 5G, mobile phone - USB tethered to computer, has been my only link to internet.

OK for browsing the web, but it is far from perfect. (I do have a couple of 4G routers, but there is a whole other set of problems there, still, leave that aside for now.)

However, although I can browse the web on this basis, my other internet connected devices (Blu ray player, TV etc) are left isolated from the web.

My Android phone (Oneplus 8) has an option "share this phone's internet connection via USB ethernet".

This is separate from the USB tethering option.

A Google search reveals many post stating all that is needed is a USB C to Ethernet (RJ45) adapter.


Like the one shown on the left, but obviously with the C connector instead.

There are loads of these, on Amazon , for example.

However, when I contact the manufacturers, they tell me their devices cannot be used in this way, but only to enable ethernet on USB C device not otherwise ethernet equipped. (I of course want to connect the USB C connector to a device to obtain its existing internet connection, and extent it to my LAN hub.)

I must be missing something. Why would this option exist on phone if it cannot be linked to a LAN?

I am not finding any answer after hours of trawling the net. I would be very grateful if anyone can point me in the right direction.
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ps Forgot to add:

Phone is Android 11

I read elsewhere that the sharing of phone's internet, to ethernet over USB, is a feature of Android11, and that it was a complex thing to do with previous versions of Android.

There must be some way to do it! HELP!

Got another batch of replies this morning from manufacturers of the type of adaptor illustrated above.

Again, ALL say their device cannot be used in the way I require.

C'est la vie
You can simply tether via USB. You don't need a special cable, your regular USB charge cable should work.

You'll have a series of options/settings to configure on the phone after plugging it in . I've had to use my cell as internet a few times.
Do you have a DD-WRT router?

Also, this may not be a direct solution but it can certainly lend itself to getting closer to your goal.

You wouldn't need any adapters, if you have a wireless router with decent firmware and a USB port.

Another viable option would be to wirelessly tether a wireless router to your phone, by using your router as a wireless bridge (wireless router connecting to your phone, where your phone is the gateway). If your phone has 5G wifi and your router has 5G wifi and is at least a dual band router, then this can work.
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No, but please explain how that would help. If it seems a potential solution, I could possibly acquire one if it will get me where I need to be.
Thanks, I will look into wireless link between the phone and router if I fail to find a solution to a hard-wired set up, which would be my preference for sake of simplicity and performance.

I gather I need an adapter oriented to the phone, (USB C) connector being the USB host.

Have ordered from Amazon (expecting tomorrow) a fairly comprehensive USB C Dock, which presumable is so compliant, as printers, monitors etc can connect. Will not know until I try if it will also tether phone to Ethernet.
Success. The hub/dock worked.

Not a permanent solution, but at least I can once again have all my connected devices back online.