Uninstalling Windows Media Player

then when you get an audio/video download to play on your pc, you can right click on the item and choose Open With, and in the dialog box choose your program and check the box to make sure to always open with that particular program, I have mpc-hc and vlc, but mpc-hc is my default player.

wmp 11 is an optional install, it will always be offered on a custom search, but not on a high priority search, once I have finished all the updates after a fresh install, I always disable automatic updates, since I do not have pos ready, I do not need anymore updates. :)
Thank you. I am hoping to use nLite and remove as many things as possible that are not used today, like the Movie Maker and Outlook Express. Could anything drastic happen if I try to get rid of WMP 9 with nLite?
wmp9 is integrated into the system , so no all you can do is disable.

attached is a zip folder of my nlite document on what to remove/not remove


  • nLite.zip
    12.7 KB · Views: 179
Thank you very much for the nLite document. Great help. But if I really want to get rid of WMP, I suppose I could upgrade to WMP 11 from MS update and use the method given in your post #4 above, to uninstall WMP 11?
I agree with Elizabeth. There is always the off chance that you will want it in a year from now (or sometime in the future) and so you might as well keep it there.

As well it was never meant to be removed, it is one of the few integrated programs in MS, it helps run many things not just movies and music,
when you finally get down the gates worm whole where you can turn it off, that "Off" still lets it do other things.
There is no uninstall section in wmp.inf, and neither is there a an uninstall.exe program in the WMP program directory. However you can uninstall WMP9 under XP by using the LitePC application. See the the details provided at their website here https://www.litepc.com/xplite/wmp.htm. Also there are some clues about how to remove WMP9 manually here https://erpman1.tripod.com/current/wmp9del.htm. Be aware that Movie Maker depends on WMP.

I am currently building an addon for the RVM Integrator to remove WMP9 from the XP setup files with the added bonus that sfcfiles.dll will be patched to remove WMP files from SFC monitoring. I will post a link for my addon in the ryanvm.net forum once it is finished.
Thank you but on the advice of Elizabeth and others in this thread, I have decided to keep it :)
Good to know, I do use it on occasion.
Janice ..

When you reveal hidden files and protected system files, you will them see that there is still a hidden version in Windows Media Player folder [program files]


I would hang on to it and create a shortcut to it and that won't be hidden.