unable to do a clean install of Windows

Acquired a Dell XPS 400 computer which was free only if I was to remove the original HD and destroy it in front of the widow of the original owner. So, I bought a new WD HD and installed it. I have been unsuccessful in doing a clean install of Windows XP Pro on this new HD. It starts up loading files and when it gets to the part that Windows is Ready to Start, I get the BSOD with a Stop Error of 0x0000007E with PCI system address F748EOBF at base F7487000. According to the widow, the computer was functioning fine prior to her spouse passing on. I tried a spare HD and the same problem occurs. Tried SATA drivers when clicking on F6 during installation, no help. Ran WD's diagnostic CD for their HD's and it was good. Bios setup shows the correct information for the new HD. Cleaned connectors to RAM, Optical drives and video cards. No go. Ran MemTest 86 on RAM for 4 hours and they were fine. I have also cleared CMOS and installed Defaults settings in my Bios setup. Anyone have any suggestions at this point? thanks.
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read above may help

install drivers with F6 must use a floppy disk only

ftp://ftp.dell.com/Manuals/all-prod..._xps_desktop/xps-400_Service Manual_en-us.pdf

your service manual online


this thread talks about the disk needing to be a certain disk read and decide


you might have to use the recovery console to do a fixmbr and or fixboot

you will have to use a hiren's boot disk since hiren's does not care about sata drives but the xp recovery console will

If you want instructions for Hiren's let me know
Thanks Liz23 for your response. I solved my problem by using an installation disc I made by slipstreaming SP-2 from my regular CD disc. I also had to install the SATA drivers which I downloaded from the Dell Support website for this computer model number. Computer is working great. Thanks again for your response.