Trying to install XP to blank HDD using ISO

Hello Everyone,

For some quick background, I am an average techy. I would give myself 4 out of 10 in regards to understanding computers.

In this situation though, I am stumped, even after I have followed directions from numerous boards and forums.

The product:

And old Dell D620 Laptop. The operating system it came with was WIndows XP Pro. Years ago I upgraded to Vista. Oops.
Since that time- I have upgraded the internal HDD twice, and the last time Laptop worked it was running Win 7.

The situation:

HDD is dead again. I since have found an older Hitachi 2.5" HDD and wiped it clean with with DiskWipe. I want to use this HDD with this laptop.

I found an ISO of WIndows XP Pro. Its about 605MB. I don't have the original Windows XP disc, as the OS was preinstalled by Dell. I want to install this ISO onto Hitachi HDD.

I also have USB to SATA adapter if needed.

Whats not working?

Accoridng to simple instructions from nearly everyone, I should burn the ISO to a disc. Check. I burned the ISO file to a DVD disc.

Next I inserted it into the laptops disc tray.

I have been told that once I turn on the laptop, the CPU should give me the option to boot from disc. Except it hasn't.

I have gone into the boot menu and chose for the CD/DVD as the boot device.

Restarted CPU.

Still nothing. I just get the message "Missing Operating System"

Of course I am missing it. That's why I am trying to install it. Duh.

So to my questions:

Do I have to do anything with the Windows XP ISO file? Extract it? Zip it? Rename it?

Would I have better luck using my USB to SATA adapter, and try to install the ISO externally using my desktop computer as the conduit?

What if I load the ISO onto a USB stick instead of trying to install by disc?

I have read several things about using Dameon to "mount" the ISO? Should I be doing this?

Also I have downloaded the Windows XP Pro Boot from Microsofts website. KB310994. Not sure what this is, but every time I run it from my Desktop my cpu locks up.

Thanks for any help/suggestions you can offer. I am at my last rope here.
kb310994 is a set of Floppy Discs to install xp, do you have floppies???

also just the iso is not correct is it a Bootable iso??

you can download Imgburn and make an iso file bootable.
Many Thanks

kb310994 is a set of Floppy Discs to install xp, do you have floppies???

also just the iso is not correct is it a Bootable iso??

you can download Imgburn and make an iso file bootable.

Heck no I don't have any floppys! But now that I read more on this, it makes sense.

And you are absolutely right- I had an ISO file, a single file, and was trying to burn it to a disc using just the standard Windows Explorer prompt.

Wasn't working.

I tried making it bootable by using using ISO Burner, but that didnt work either.

I finally tired using Imgburn and that fixed everything! It made a bootable disc I was able to use on my laptop to finally get my CPU back on XP.

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me out!
Hello Everyone,

For some quick background, I am an average techy. I would give myself 4 out of 10 in regards to understanding computers.

In this situation though, I am stumped, even after I have followed directions from numerous boards and forums.

The product:

And old Dell D620 Laptop. The operating system it came with was WIndows XP Pro. Years ago I upgraded to Vista. Oops.
Since that time- I have upgraded the internal HDD twice, and the last time Laptop worked it was running Win 7.

The situation:

HDD is dead again. I since have found an older Hitachi 2.5" HDD and wiped it clean with with DiskWipe. I want to use this HDD with this laptop.

I found an ISO of WIndows XP Pro. Its about 605MB. I don't have the original Windows XP disc, as the OS was preinstalled by Dell. I want to install this ISO onto Hitachi HDD.

I also have USB to SATA adapter if needed.

Whats not working?

Accoridng to simple instructions from nearly everyone, I should burn the ISO to a disc. Check. I burned the ISO file to a DVD disc.

Next I inserted it into the laptops disc tray.

I have been told that once I turn on the laptop, the CPU should give me the option to boot from disc. Except it hasn't.

I have gone into the boot menu and chose for the CD/DVD as the boot device.

Restarted CPU.

Still nothing. I just get the message "Missing Operating System"

Of course I am missing it. That's why I am trying to install it. Duh.

So to my questions:

Do I have to do anything with the Windows XP ISO file? Extract it? Zip it? Rename it?

Would I have better luck using my USB to SATA adapter, and try to install the ISO externally using my desktop computer as the conduit?

What if I load the ISO onto a USB stick instead of trying to install by disc?

I have read several things about using Dameon to "mount" the ISO? Should I be doing this?

Also I have downloaded the Windows XP Pro Boot from Microsofts website. KB310994. Not sure what this is, but every time I run it from my Desktop my cpu locks up.

Thanks for any help/suggestions you can offer. I am at my last rope here.

You say you burned it to a DVD. Try burning to a CD with a burning ROM software.