TinyXP - "not enough memory"

Howdy. I found some old magazine cover CDs in a box and decided to run them. They have a "browser.exe" application that shows the contents of the CD. I ran them on a Windows XP installation. It ran. Everything ran. I am surprised these CDs still run. They're from the mid 90s. (So of course, all applications are made for Windows 9x and 3.11.)

I installed a bunch of applications just to shoot the breeze. Then I decided to remove them. None of them was listed in the Uninstall section of the Control Panel so I just deleted all their directories. That is when something went wrong. Multiple applications wouldn't run anymore. The cover CD browser.exe application wouldn't run anymore. I don't remember what the error message was, but that is not relevant anymore. I formatted and installed Windows XP again. More specifically, I used a CD image that is named "XP09 TinyXP Rev11 Without IE or WMP or Windows Update Unattended Install.iso." I am not sure this was the same Win XP I had before, probably not. I probably had my other XP CD, which is original and registered. I decided to use this TinyXP thing simply because it's smaller and presumably lighter.

So I had an entirely new XP installation to mess with. So I popped one of the CDs in again and... it won't run anymore. An error pop-up message says,

Director Player 4.0
Not enough memory to run BROWSER.EXE

I have 2GB of RAM. It was enough for the other installation. I also increased the virtual memory to 4096. Is there anything I can do to make it work? What other problems should I expect from this "TinyXP" installation?
You're better off installing of an untouched XP ISO rather than some custom version that's got all kinds of tweaks. I had issues with an XP 'Black Edition' that had some missing components and would give me problems installing certain software.
I think it's not related to memory - probably some required component is missing on the "Tiny" version and leads to an error, As ClippyBeer said, your best bet is to use the original and unmodded versions of Windows.