The REG hack does work for updates. Until 2019

I junked XP when it hit EOL, and moved over to overnight. I'd been using it since it's release, 11 1/2 yrs ago, and felt ready for a change. Didn't like Win 7 or 8, or 8.1 (or 10!!!), so.....Linux it was.

Until about six months ago, when I decided to try the old dual-boot business with Windows, just to see how hard it was.....and got bitten by the bug all over again. My XP is the 2014 'Black Edition', with all updates and the 2019 'hack' slipstreamed in. After install, I was getting updates literally within minutes.....

It does work, nicely.

Mike. ;)
.....and got bitten by the bug all over again. My XP is the 2014 'Black Edition', with all updates and the 2019 'hack' slipstreamed in. After install, I was getting updates literally within minutes.....

It does work, nicely. Mike. ;)

Good business Mike! Next door neighbor is bi ... lol Like you he has pc's with Linux and PC (He hates it when I pretend I forget and call it Linus. In fact I do it on purpose. lol)

I started once to get into Linus ... I mean Linux and dropped it. He says my pc's are too old or slow or something to turn into Linux machines. But I wouldn't use them for big meat programs. Just keep them alive. I couldn't find tutilage on Linux that was easy for this old head. And I've had a pc since 1987 and been on the web since 1996. I do know more than the average but .... I usually learn whatever I want but the Linux bug just hadn't bit me yet. G'day and great goin'! Jack ":-Dx
Good business Mike! Next door neighbor is bi ... lol Like you he has pc's with Linux and PC (He hates it when I pretend I forget and call it Linus. In fact I do it on purpose. lol)

I started once to get into Linus ... I mean Linux and dropped it. He says my pc's are too old or slow or something to turn into Linux machines. But I wouldn't use them for big meat programs. Just keep them alive. I couldn't find tutilage on Linux that was easy for this old head. And I've had a pc since 1987 and been on the web since 1996. I do know more than the average but .... I usually learn whatever I want but the Linux bug just hadn't bit me yet. G'day and great goin'! Jack ":-Dx

Hiya, Jack.

Well, I started with Ubuntu. I run a 10-yr old Compaq Presario desktop PC; pre- the HP takeover, so actually of amazing build quality. It's been upgraded the hell out of all recognition since I've had it; my sis donated it two years ago when she bought a new PC with Win 7 pre-installed. Unlike me, she's totally non-techie....!

It came with XP; I ran it for about 3 months, then switched to Ubuntu overnight. Ubuntu was fine for the first year or so; then the never-ending round of continuous updates started breaking my hardware's functionality little by little. I'd been playing around with Puppy Linux, which has been designed from the word go to re-purpose very elderly hardware, and to be as easy as possible for Windows refugees to understand, and get going with. There's wizards for literally everything. Easy as ABC to get the hang of, and the Puppy community are absolutely brilliant.

Give it a try. I'd recommend it to anybody. Unless you've got very odd hardware, there's every chance you'll get it running in no time.....and any problems, well; the community have found a fix for every problem you can possibly think of, at one time or another.

I run five 'Pups', alongside XP, which should show you how much I like it. I can date my own PC usage back to the dawn of the home computer revolution, in the late 70's/early 80's (started with the Sinclair ZX-81, and the amazing Commodore 64), so I've been around the block a time or two.....and I've lost track of the different OS's I've tried over those decades!

If you're interested, here's the Puppy main website:-

....and the main community Forum:-

They're a very friendly, helpful & extremely knowledgeable bunch of individuals; very down-to-earth, not at all snotty or stand-offish (you won't get any of this 'RTFM!'...[Read the f*****g manual] on the Forum at all), and the Puppy developers are incredibly talented. Currently, they're even developing Pups which will run on ARM-based Android devices

Mike. ;)
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Hiya, Jack. I can date my own PC usage back to the dawn of the home computer revolution, in the late 70's/early 80's (started with the Sinclair ZX-81, and the amazing Commodore 64), so I've been around the block a time or two.....and I've lost track of the different OS's I've tried over those decades!

Mike. ;)

Mike, Great Business. And sounds like we are both in that old timer's league. As least as far a time on the PC. You could have been a kid when you started. In 87 I was a young man. I think I need to try this Linux, and the PUP thing. My oldest XP is about 2006. It was one of the Toshiba "Tablets" about 5 lbs with the spin around screen and then you could hold it and touch and pen the screen. Remember them? Well that's my oldest. All others are newer. So I don't know if that qualifies my hardware as usable. At least I didn't have a Millennium. lol Which I understand there are still a few diehards. I can't say a word agin' em. I'm still hanging onto these 4 XP's. But like mentioned, the workhorse is a HP Pavilon Win 10. Thanks for all your great information. I am considering it with interest.

BTW both those links above seem to go to the same forum site? Is there someway to view a step by step to convert? Would you suggest keeping both OS on it or can you do that and then remove Windows?

Jack ":-Dx
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Morning, Jack.

Hm. One should be the forum, t'other should be the Puppy Linux main page.

Anyway, I see you've found your way to the forum already (and got through the registration; good man! It's been 'playing up' a bit this last year or so...)

Meant to say last night, you can run Puppy from a USB stick. Puppy was originally designed to run this way by its creator, the Australian Barry Kauler. You don't even need to touch your hard drive at all. XP can (and should!) stay on there.

(There's always stuff you need Windows for. Linux matches most Windows software, but some, it's not so good at. As we say, 'Keep with, and enjoy Puppy!' Even so, it's an extremely capable little system, with everything you could possibly want for day-to-day use within an ISO image size of around 200 MB.)

Shouldn't have any problems getting something running on that Toshiba Satellite. Somebody on the Forum was asking questions about one just the other day. We've got quite a few hardware experts on there; somebody will help you out!

BTW; I shan't see 55 again....

Mike. ;)
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Morning, Jack.

Hm. One should be the forum, t'other should be the Puppy Linux main page.

Anyway, I see you've found your way to the forum already (and got through the registration; good man! It's been 'playing up' a bit this last year or so...)

Meant to say last night, you can run Puppy from a USB stick. Puppy was originally designed to run this way by its creator, the Australian Barry Kauler. You don't even need to touch your hard drive at all. XP can (and should!) stay on there.

(There's always stuff you need Windows for. Linux matches most Windows software, but some, it's not so good at. As we say, 'Keep with, and enjoy Puppy!' Even so, it's an extremely capable little system, with everything you could possibly want for day-to-day use within an ISO image size of around 200 MB.)

Shouldn't have any problems getting something running on that Toshiba Satellite. Somebody on the Forum was asking questions about one just the other day. We've got quite a few hardware experts on there; somebody will help you out!

BTW; I shan't see 55 again....

Mike. ;)

They were different Mike. Sorry! One more question. What is the benefit to running Linux system? Jack ":-Dx
Hi, Jack.

If I had to say one thing, it's security. The thing about Linux is that if anything does go wrong, there's a hell of a lot of people with their eyes on what's happening, worldwide, and patches tend to get issued for any problems very quickly.

Unlike M$, where you tend to have to wait for 'Patch Tuesday' (and only then if M$ think there is a problem..!)

Give Puppy a fair trial. If you run it from USB, the worst that can happen is that you decide it's not for you, and you just have to re-format the USB before you can use it with Windows again.

There is a driver utility, from the ext2fsd Project, that will allow Windows to view, and read Linux partitions anyway. Linux has native support built-in for viewing NTFS partitions.

I'm busy all day today, but I will try and look in on the Puppy Forums later on.

Mike. ;)
Hi, Jack.

I'm busy all day today, but I will try and look in on the Puppy Forums later on.

Mike. ;)

Indeed! You gotta life. No worries. Not going to do this instant. Have to read a bit. I'll follow what you've given and it's plenty no doubt. Have a SAFE and busy day. You Aussie? Fellow HS band guy, sousaphone next to each other. Settled out there in Narrikup. I think he runs his own olive farm? Some kinda farm. He's a long way from home. He grew up with me here just 1 hour East of DC. :)