The origin of STAR WARS may surprise you!

Just wanna dispel a little misconception I see every day among ppl when dealing with STAR WARS.

Its origin may surprise you. And the quick answer is, no it doesn't have any major thing to do with the Japanese movie called "The Hidden Fortress".

BUT, be forewarned, the explanation will require multi-posts spanning across several weeks/months of thought.

So here goes, for starters, let's get the easy stuff out of the way first:

1. Darth Vader's suit. Where does it come from?

Answer: A high-tech spin of a Japanese Shogun warlord armor. Was such armor seen in "The Hidden Fortress"? Highly unlikely.


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2. We have established that nobody on the STAR WARS production team even needed to watch "The Hidden Fortress". All they had to do was visit a Japanese war museum, or flip thru the equivalent photo book, and presto! Darth Vader's iconic costume.

Everyone with me? Good.

Let's now move onto the spaceships...
Found this image of "Seven Samurais" so let me backtrack a little:


The problem with it is, it doesn't have the Samurai mask! George Lucas probably went, "what do Samurai armors actually look like?" after having watched said film. Then visited a museum or art book and finally proclaimed, "oh, so that's what they look like!"

I'm pretty sure no Samurai warlord actually went to battle with their faces exposed, only on the movie screen so you could see their facial expressions. They needed the mask to have "complete coverage", sort to speak.

In other words, the Samurai flick was just the intermediary step. The final inspiration came from some museum piece or artbook with the complete costume!
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OK, enough of Vader, let's get back to the spaceships, shall we?

I've always subscribed to the KISS principle (keep it simple, silly)!

According to KISS, this is what them ships really are (and why they're so iconic):





Big Bad:


Wait a minute, Adam, Eve, and Big Bad ("The Tempting Serpent")?

By golly, that sound like you know what story that forms the basis of the Bible!

I don't even need to see a Japanese flick to come up with such concepts! It happens to almost everyone on church Sunday!
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Pointy (X-Wing) & Round (Millennium Falcon) vs Evil (Death Star), the story of Adam & Eve vs the Tempting Serpent unfolding before our very eyes on the silver screen:

Let's re-examine the evidences so far:

Vader's iconic suit complete with mask:

A bunch of Samurai flicks with the incomplete costume = 0

Some museum gallery/art book with all the armory pieces = 1

The iconic spaceships/structures of the SW universe:

Equivalent vehicles in a Samurai flick = 0

Adam & Eve vs Serpent personified as spaceships, etc. = 1
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3. Thus far it seems this was how STAR WARS was born:

1. Someone flipped thru a Samurai armory photobook or visited a war museum

2. Someone made spaceships and super-space-structures out of a simple Biblical tale

BUT, wait a minute, does the Bible/whatever Samurai flick have these?

1. Main hero losing a limb (lots of ppl have lost limbs in Samurai fights, but did the main hero ever got HIS arm chopped off?)

2. Father turns evil, effectively "dies" before the son is born

3. Son redeems the father's past misdeeds and hence his tainted character

Plz, show me from which Samurai flick, which chapter in Bible from whence these STAR WARS story devices came?

To be continued...
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A little preview into the next post. The Biblical story of Adam & Eve indeed forms the basis for the X-Wing and Millennium Falcon.

The X-Wing was purposely made pointy to be the Adamic ship.

The Millennium Falcon was purposely made roundish to be the Eve-ish ship.

But that alone can't make up 2hrs worth of movie time (or 6 if you consider all three OT movies). A little inspiration from another Asian country nearby Japan was needed...

(Vid below [a little SYNERGY if you will]: Adam & Eve vs Big Bad <--- just like the Bible ain't it?)






(P.S: STAR WARS personified Biblical ppl as spaceships. It's origin was of course human figures not turbine powered vessels)
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This was the symbol ancient civilizations used to represent the female vulva:


Just make it a little rounder, like this, and you get the Millennium Falcon:



Penises & vaginas, folks, that's what STAR WARS had been about all along!
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