Taskbar size

Task bar size

She says:
why have you posted the question twice?

My bad - just looking for an answer... is my quest reasonable??

above is the thread to your first question, below is the reply to that question:

hover the cursor over the edge of taskbar till 2 headed arrow appears, hold down left mouse key and drag down till task bar is the correct size and release.

First, unlock the Taskbar (right-click on Taskbar, uncheck
"Lock the Taskbar")

Click and drag the separator bar over to the right of the Taskbar
(It's the separator that looks like four dots and then three dots
running side by side vertically). It seems to allow you to create a
double-decker effect with the Taskbar. Once you drag the lower one to
the right of the Taskbar, it allows you to resize the Taskbar.


Taskbar Repair Tool Plus!

above is an excerpt from this thread:


you can see your questions from your profile by clicking your name. :)
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