Taskbar color

Is it possible to change the color of the active item on the Taskbar? I have a feeling someone will suggest a program which will change it; however, I was hoping XP could do it; I tried Desktop, Properties but could not find what I wanted under Advanced.

Change the Task Bar Color in Windows XP

  • Start up the computer and right click any clear space (do not click any part of the taskbar or on any icons). A menu should appear.
  • In this menu, select Properties.
  • Select the option for Appearance in the menu that appears.
  • click advanced (lower right corner)
  • click the arrow under ITEM
  • Click the active title bar.
  • you will see a box for color
  • Easily customize the Taskbar’s color.
  • Click Apply and view the Taskbar’s new look. Once the taskbar is customized as desired, click OK to close the dialog box. It should be noted that while the taskbar color will change, the Start Button will always remain green.
I added a couple of steps from the ones listed at the above website :)

Change the Task Bar Color in Windows XP

  • Start up the computer and right click any clear space (do not click any part of the taskbar or on any icons). A menu should appear.
  • In this menu, select Properties.
  • Select the option for Appearance in the menu that appears.
  • click advanced (lower right corner)
  • click the arrow under ITEM
  • Click the active title bar.
  • you will see a box for color
  • Easily customize the Taskbar’s color.
  • Click Apply and view the Taskbar’s new look. Once the taskbar is customized as desired, click OK to close the dialog box. It should be noted that while the taskbar color will change, the Start Button will always remain green.
I added a couple of steps from the ones listed at the above website :)

Change the Task Bar Color in Windows XP

  • Start up the computer and right click any clear space (do not click any part of the taskbar or on any icons). A menu should appear.
  • In this menu, select Properties.
  • Select the option for Appearance in the menu that appears.
  • click advanced (lower right corner)
  • click the arrow under ITEM
  • Click the active title bar.
  • you will see a box for color
  • Easily customize the Taskbar’s color.
  • Click Apply and view the Taskbar’s new look. Once the taskbar is customized as desired, click OK to close the dialog box. It should be noted that while the taskbar color will change, the Start Button will always remain green.
I added a couple of steps from the ones listed at the above website :)

As I mentioned I could not find what I needed under advanced. What I should have said was "I tried everything under Advanced but nothing remedied my question." Again, I want to change the color of the ACTIVE button on the Taskbar. Active means the current button which is well, active (or the currently viewed result of clicking on one of the Taskbar buttons (document, folder, etc.). Does this explanation help? I do not want to change the entire Taskbar, just one of the buttons which is active. My Taskbar is currently blue with the current button as dark blue. I would like to change this current button to say, red, so it will be pronounced and easily distinguished from the rest of the buttons.

As I mentioned I could not find what I needed under advanced. What I should have said was "I tried everything under Advanced but nothing remedied my question." Again, I want to change the color of the ACTIVE button on the Taskbar. Active means the current button which is well, active (or the currently viewed result of clicking on one of the Taskbar buttons (document, folder, etc.). Does this explanation help? I do not want to change the entire Taskbar, just one of the buttons which is active. My Taskbar is currently blue with the current button as dark blue. I would like to change this current button to say, red, so it will be pronounced and easily distinguished from the rest of the buttons.

And my mistake; I see how you were confused; I posted the Subject of this conversation as "Change the Task Bar Color in Windows XP" when I should have written "Change the Task Bar button color in Windows XP"
And my mistake; I see how you were confused; I posted the Subject of this conversation as "Change the Task Bar Color in Windows XP" when I should have written "Change the Task Bar button color in Windows XP"

Sorry, I do not why the Ddd is at the beginning of my last post. Or rather, I know I did it, but it was an accident. :)
no where I have searched can you change the actual file focus, but if you change the taskbar color to say light grey then they should show up better?
no where I have searched can you change the actual file focus, but if you change the taskbar color to say light grey then they should show up better?

Hi Elizabeth,
I searched on the internet again and found a site where someone else had the same question but it referenced Windows 10. I read it and the user said Windows XP had a great Taskbar button which distinguished active from inactive. Since I wrote down the numbers for the default color, I inserted these numbers back into the Custom Color boxes, applied the change, and when I clicked on a Taskbar button, it is now a much darker blue and can be distinguished from the other buttons. Go figure! Thanks for your help; it guided me to the solution.
great work, I generally bypass any article that deals with vista and above since I know nothing of those systems, :)

Look at it this way, all information can be helpful; I will read just about anything to possibly derive information which could help me. I always find something to lead me to the answer I am seeking. You will hear from me again soon because there is always something going on with XP which will confuse and confound me!
Best regards,
Rudy Lewis Jr.