Task Manager-Commit Charge

Hi, I'm very new at this soo.... here we go.
My second laptop runs XP and it is really slow and intermittently freezes up. I have run the malware stuff and antivirus - nothing found. But, I noticed when I look in the task manager window at the bottom right... it says Commit Charge it has something like 399k/49!.
Now the 49! (fortynine exclamation point) is always the same. What does that mean? Do i have some bad memory or the like?
Malware removal sites courtesy of LemP

Or -- and I think this is what you really should do because your problem is likely to be buried pretty deeply -- seek guided malware removal help from one of the specialty forums:
• Bleeping Computer: Am I infected? What do I do?
• MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware
• SpywareHammer: Malware Removal
• Spyware Warrior: Help with spyware removal
• DSL Reports: Security Cleanup
• Bluetack: Malware Removal


I would try one of the above sites as I believe you are infected.
Hello Elizabeth23,
I have installed Malwarebytes yesterday, scanned the whole laptop and it found nothing. I was just wondering about that odd looking number inthe commit charge display. Because I can't even get Windows update to complete. It get to about 70-83 percent and just hangs there.
that is why I suggested the infection removal sites, I searched for that particular commit charge explanation, could find nothing. Just commit charge values and that was not shown.

When I search and do not get a hit, this is a good indication of infection.

since it is deeply embedded the sites listed above, that is what they do, they have tools that they wish for you to download to read deeply embedded infections.
Hello Elizabeth23,
I did some research and found that the recommended memory setting on that laptop was 4096 and this one was set to 2048(something like that) so I changed it and after reboot all looks good so far.,
Thanks for you help,