System file not found in repair disk; using Recovery Console


I experienced a system32 error for the first time in 12 years of using a Windows XP desktop (used to play a 2003 game and it's really the only OS it works well on).

So I had to purchase a recovery disk, not knowing where the original was or if I had one, and adjusted settings so I could access the Recovery Console. I used this video and my process of getting through the fix, and I've seen this posted throughout other issue forums.

But I've hit a snag. Upon entering:

C:\WINDOWS>copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config\system

The system cannot find the file. The other four hives went without a hitch. Now I'm afraid something bad will happen if I exit the console. What will I need to do now if anyone can help?

(I can provide system specs if needed, just don't know if they're necessary for this issue)


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UPDATE: So I solved the above problem by looking at the backup and selecting the correct file. However, I've run into a problem I've seen prevalent among many XP users: the mouse/keyboard both die off after passing the Setup/BIOS screen. Whether I go into this Administrator account (the default since repairing the system) or Safe Mode, it won't budge. I have no P/S2 ports as far as I see. I don't want to attempt any System Restore if it won't solve the problem.

Dell XPS 400
BIOS Version: A04
Intel Pentium D CPU 2.8GHz
Using very generic IBM USB mouse
Keyboard is wireless Dell RT7D40 with USB adapter

Can provide any extra info if needed