System crash

My wife and I have virtually identical machines, both running identical versions of WinXPProSP3. My machine is as steady as a rock, as to be expected from WinXP. However, my wife's machine crashes to the BSOD as often as 3 or 4 times a day, sometimes. Does anyone have any ideas, 'cus I've gone as far as I can go.....
Could you provide us with the minidump of your wife's machine?
We could try to look into the problem better if you send it.

The last few (15-20) all seem to involve screen or system drivers. On the surface, that seems all reasonable, until you know that the same OS disk was used for the Sys install on both machines. Can it be some minor difference(s) in the hardware, or the reading of the install disk by the DVD player? I'm just looking for some idea; however, if you really think the minidumps will help, I'll do what I can to get the to you.....