svchost.exe takes memory to 100%

Every morning, when I start up my Dell dimension 110 desktop, there's a svchost.exe process that takes up all the memory (100%) and I have to kill it before I can use the computer.

How can I find out what is this svchost.exe process and make it so it won't run again?


below taken from above article:

Visit the Microsoft website and Download Windows Update v3 WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe and save it to your C:\ drive

Download this file fix_svchost.bat (right click and choose save as..) and save it to your C:\ drive

Download this file WindowsXP-KB927891.exe and save it to your C:\ drive

Reboot the computer and log in to Windows XP in safe mode. To do this, press F8 just before the WindowsXP logo shows up during boot and press up to choose “Safe Mode”

Once Windows has loaded and you have the option of which user account to use, log on as “Administrator”.

Click Start > Run, choose the Browse button and find the fix_svchost.bat file you saved before, press Open, then OK.

A black screen will pop up and white text will scroll past. Wait for this process to finish as it could take several minutes. It will close itself when its finished.

Once the black screen disappears, Click Start > Run, choose the Browse button and find the WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe file you saved before, press Open, then OK. Follow the prompts as it installs.

When Windows Update Agent finishes installing, Click Start > Run, choose the Browse button and find the WindowsXP-KB927891.exe file you saved before, press Open, then OK. Follow the prompts as it installs.

Reboot the computer

you can also download Autoruns:

I would scrutinize what you have loading on StartUp. You need to see if you have programs loading during boot process which might be changed to on demand.

With Autoruns you can uncheck an item, which disables it from starting, or you can right click an item and then delete it. If you uncheck you can recheck to re-enable the item. It is a much safer approach than editing the Registry and better than using msconfig.

Another useful feature of the program is that you can right click an item and select Search Online to get information about the item selected.

When using Autoruns you will need to click on the "Logon" tab to see what is running at start-up.

and Process explorer which is a more robust task manager, you can search each item on line and find out what it is:
Process Explorer

some info on autoruns:
Bleeping computer on Autoruns
I ran those 3 programs. The bat file ran fine. The update agent program said that I already have it and the other program said that what I have is newer so it did not install.

The svchost.exe problem still exists. I downloaded the Process Explorer and here's what I see for that svchost.exe process that takes up 100% CPU

- svchost.exe
- wuauclt.exe (Windows Update)
- wscntfy.exe (Windows Security Center Notification App)

When I put my mouse over the svchost.exe process, it displays the below

Command Line
C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs

C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe (netsvcs)

Automatic Updates
COM+ Event System
Cryptographic Services
Distributed Linked Tracking Client
Error Reporting Service
Fast User Switching Compatibility
Help and Support
Network Connections
Network Location Awareness
Secondary Logon
Security Center
System Event Notification
System Restore Service
Shell Hardware Detection
Task Scheduler
Windows Time
Windows Management Instrumentation
Windows Audio
Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
Wireless Zero Configuration

Here's a little bit of background, I reinstalled XP Home Edition on my desktop. I installed SP3 and all the drivers. Restarted it and I see this problem with the svchost.exe.

One more thing, when I reinstalled XP home edition, I did not install SP2, only SP3. I read somewhere and it said we need to install SP2 then SP3.

I'm not sure if this is the reason for the svchost.exe issue or not.
it depends on what your installation cd has on it, if no service packs at all then do 2 and then 3.

some pc's require that service packs be installed before drivers.

if you have service pack 1 on your cd you can go straight to service pack 3.


you can also follow the instructions in the clean boot articles to see if you can isolate the problem

first is normal, second is a little more advanced:


does this issue occur in safe mode?


what happens if you disable those 2 services??

NOTE: do this to test, but then put them back to started, automatic
My CD has SP1a already. It's the Windows Update service. I turned it off and now the svchost.exe does not take 100% of CPU anymore whenever I start up the desktop.

The Windows Update service does not work. No matter what setting I set (Notify me when there are updates or download updates or automatically install updates), it's not working.

Here's what I did

1) Downloaded the fixit program from Microsoft for Windows Update

2) Installed it and it said it needs SP2 for .NET framework 2.0
3) Installed SP2 for .NET framework 2.0
4) Installed the fixit again and it fixed most issues except one which said that "Service registration is missing or corrupted"
5) Downloaded the fixit for this issue

6) Installed it but no luck

Please advise.

Click Start, Run and in the box enter:


Click OK, and when the System Summary info appears, click Edit, Select All (Ctrl-A), Copy (Ctrl-C) and then paste (Ctrl-V) the information back here in your next reply.
You can edit out any personal information.

this will tell my some info on your system

do you have .net 3.5 installed?

do you have ie8 installed?

see if windows will validate your installation

Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130)

you need this update also before updates will work

and this one kb898481 update for xp

go to the above site and it will run the wga tool (892130)

ensure auto updates is started and automatic

post back afterwards
OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer Dell Computer Corporation
System Model Dell DE051
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~2526 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date Dell Computer Corporation A01, 1/3/2006
SMBIOS Version 2.3
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111)"
User Name FAMILY-PPO1LM0I\Owner
Time Zone Pacific Standard Time
Total Physical Memory 2,048.00 MB
Available Physical Memory 1.54 GB
Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB
Page File Space 3.85 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys

from firefox forum , you have to use ie to update windows

therefore install IE8

also you have a dell, do you know that when you do a fresh install that there is a certain order to install dell drivers?

did you use a cd or a recovery partition?

go here to get your owners manual, you will need to type in your express service code

DE051 is only part of the info, what model? for example my dell is a dimension


Desktop System Software or Notebook System Software
Chipset or SMBus driver
Processor Driver (if applicable)
Audio (sound)
Input Drivers (keyboard/mouse)
Network Card

below is dell's instructions to reinstall xp

You might have to do another reinstall if the drivers were not loaded in the correct order.
I have a Dell Dimension B110
I formatted the entire drive and used a cd to install it.

I did not follow that order to install drivers. I'll try it out. Might be a while because of the holidays.