svchost.exe Overload


i have just re installed windows xp, but now have a problem with a svchost.exe file hogging all the CPU, with it being 99% / 100% everytime the computer boots up. It is making the desktop pc run very very slow and at times freeze.

PLease could you advise how I can find out what is using this file to run , and what the solution is, and any help on how to retify the problem.

Im not sure, but after a fresh in stall , im guessing it may be hardware related??

I have attached a screen shot of task manager as reference,



  • task
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I had this. I downloaded and installed Sysinternals Process Explorer (free). I ran it, looked at all the processes, in 'tree' mode, found the instance of svchost.exe that was using all the cpu time, then killed that process and its dependents. It ran much faster then. This instance was in charge of running windows firewall (I think), so I suspect a virus infected that program. I have not yet researched this. I don't know if it will start up again when I reboot (I just went through this process a minute ago).

I have done the same, and ended the process resulting in the pc then running ok,and its nothing but a nuisance really, but I would like to find out whats causing it to rectify it completely, as im having to do it everytime I reboot.

I have read several forums/posts and some have said that some viruses can mimick the scvhost.exe, but if this is the case then it doesn't run under system.

im quite a noob when it comes to these instances relating to computers, so im airing on caution!
on a fresh install if you used a usb flash drive to install anything and the usb flash drive was infected then your system was infected also.

so first insure your system is clean:

Download, install, update and do full scan with these free malware detection programs:

Malwarebytes (MBAM):
SUPERAntiSpyware: (SAS):

Remove all found, reboot, and run again until scans run clean, these can be removed afterwards if you so choose. Run scans one at a time, please.

and what is your current antivirus?

also, process explorer will tell you what exactly is running under svchost.exe, so if you cannot tell, you can right click and do a search online to tell you what program is doing the overload.

I re-installed from a cd and not usb drive. I have already run MBAM, with the results showing two detections, which i removed, rebooted and re-scanned as your advice. On second run nothing came up. I haven't used SAS, so I will do the same with that.
When i first fresh installed, I was running Kaspersky, but have uninstalled that and installed MSE for now, don't know if this is worse/better, please advise?

Regarding process explorer, you have to assume your talking to a newbie, regarding pc tech, which in this area I certainly am; on that note how do i bring up this and find out whats running using the scvhost.exe.

Everytime im rebooting andf during use of the pc , i have to keep hitting end process on this particular one thats hogging the CPU, and boom in a millisec, the pcs fine!

Thanks for any help in advance,

while in process explorer, (task manager just says system), you can see what is actually running by right clicking the svchost that is overloading cpu and choose properties, it will say what service is using it at that time, this is what I want to know.

I have reinstalled xp pro several times and knock on wood I have never had this problem,

I did not mean installed the os from a usb but items such as ie8 or sp3 might have been downloaded to a flash drive and then installed on your pc before you connected to the internet, Microsoft came up with a security update that stops autorun on a flash drive to prevent instant infections from an infected usb drive, this gives you a chance to scan flash drive before opening it.