Stuck during install at registering components.


So I have made a xp iso on a disk to install on a new HDD after Vista which was originally on the computer had software issues.

So I set up he install and all goes fine until the registering compnets "10 minutes till complete" and the screen just hangs.

I did a memtest86 and it retuned with no errors.

The computer is a Toshiba satallie l100 with a 1.7ghz and 2gb of ram.
There is a lack of information. Why was Vista installed? Where did the iso copy of XP come from?

If the iso of XP was originally from this same machine, is there any other differences in hardware?

Can you get a copy of Hiren's or Falcon and see if you can install their installation, of your machine. I say that because I have seen modern machines that refuse to take a copy of XP.
I don't know where I got the iso from but I made the boot disk my self and the image is not the original of the machine
I have used the same iso to instance on another laptop and it was fine to install and ran well.

The computer came with vista installed, and it was really slow because it was vista.
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Firstly, I'm not saying this is the perfect answer.

In every copy of XP, that has been activated, there are two files: C:WindowsSystem32/"wpa.dbl" and "wpa.bak"

These two files, contain, among other things, information about the hardware that runs the authorised copy of XP. If the hardware is changed beyond a limit, then these two files will be in conflict and the copy will be 'illegal'

This is why I was asking you if the iso copy of XP came from the machine you are attempting to install onto.

However, that you have managed to install this already, unless the first installation happened to be on a similar machine to the original, does suggest my reasoning is flawed.

You have a laptop, so presumably, apart from replacements, there are no expansions.

Since the HD has been replaced, we can safely assume a previous version of XP isn't interfering. Though the copy of Vista might. Just a possibility.

That leaves the BIOS.

Can you make sure all drivers and such, installed by Vista, are removed from the HD? A copy of Falcon or Hiren's BOOT CD is a good idea here. It has the tools to do this and will run a mini version of XP, so ensuring that your machine is compatible.

Can you remove the battery from the MB, which hold the information in the BIOS? It only needs to be done for about 30 secs or so. But before you proceed, you must reset the time and date. Do this with an ordinary clock. It only needs to be accurate to within a few hours.

Then try to install the XP again.
@Jojo, xp will not install on sata drives unless the bios has been changed to achi, I believe or the sata drivers have been slipstreamed into the cd, or the sata drivers are on a floppy disk and entered by pressing F6 for raid during installation.

@nicxcin, do you have your raid drivers?? and if you change your bios to bypass sata drive, you have lost the full function of a sata drive.
Thank you Elizabeth. Something else I've learnt. I'll try and have a read on that topic.

Good luck nicxcin
@Jojo, here is some info on sata drives:

If your system has SATA drives (Courtesy of Jose Ibarra)

If your system of unspecified make and model has SATA drives, the Recovery Console CD (or even genuine bootable XP media) will not be able to "see" the HDD unless you first get into your system BIOS by pressing whatever key you need to press to do so, and temporarily change the HDD interface mode to something the XP startup process does recognize.

Then you do what you need to do (run chkdsk /r), then change the BIOS back to the original settings when you are done.

Here are some general purpose instructions that should get you going:

If you are seeing a message(s) like this:

Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer.

Make sure any hard disk drives are powered on and properly connected to your computer, and that any disk-related hardware configuration is
correct. This many involve running a manufacturer-supplied diagnostic or setup program.

Setup cannot continue. To quit Setup, press F3.

When you see a message like this, obviously XP Setup is starting to load, but then when Setup needs to go out and find your hard disk it is not finding the hard disk. It doesn't necessarily mean your hard disk is defective and if it was working before, it is most likely still plugged in. It just means the XP Setup is not able to find it.

It sounds like you need to enter the BIOS on your system by pressing the "Del", F2, F10 or F12 key (whatever key is right for your system), locate the section where the hard disks types and hard disk interfaces are configured and temporarily change the setting so the XP Setup is able to find the hard disk.

Where to find the adjustment and how to change it depends on your system manufacturer and BIOS version so you may end up having to just look around for it. If you know your system make and model, we can probably help you find a manual.

You need to locate and change the interface mode for your primary hard disk in the BIOS so that when the XP Setup loads, it will be able to locate the hard disk.

Before making any adjustments, you should make a note of what the current BIOS settings are so you can change them back when you are finished.

The adjustment varies so here are some examples I have accumulated:

The adjustment is made in the BIOS and could be under Integrated Peripherals, SATA Device Configuration, SATA Mode.

Make a note of what the current settings are before making any changes so you can change them back if things get worse.

After you make the changes, save them and see how things look now.

If you find the mode is set to RAID/SATA mode, change the mode to IDE.

If you find the mode is set to SATA, change the mode to IDE.

If you find the mode is set to SATA, disable SATA mode.

If you find the mode is set to AHCI, change the mode to ATA.

If you find the mode is set to AHCI Emulation Mode, change the mode to IDE Emulation.

If you find the mode is set to SATA, disable SATA mode and/or change the mode to ATA.

If you find the mode is set to SATA Native Mode, disable SATA Native Mode.

If you find the mode is set to RAID/Autodetect AHCI, change the mode to Combination.

If you find the mode is set to RAID Auto/AHCI, change it to RAID Auto/ATA

The WWW says this works on some Dells: "I had to set my SATA Operation to ATA instead of AHCI"

After making the adjustments, ACCEPT and SAVE the changes, and restart the system and see if it will now boot on the Recovery Console CD.

Here are some additional ideas about changing the BIOS to recognize the SATA drive to boot from CD: