Strange dialog in windows 2000/xp/2003 found in winlogon.exe

In my windows 2000/xp/2003 vm i have noticed this weird dialog in winlogon.exe in resource hacker, i couldn't find any information about it, does anyone know what it is.


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is resource hacker a program?, if so uninstall it and the box should go away.
Its a program that allows you to explore dll and exe files to modify things in dialogs like the start menu text, im just intrested winlogon.exe contains quite alot of intresting dialogs
I cannot explain it, :) all I know of winlogon is that it places a report in the application section of event viewer after you have run checkdisk.

You could go to the website for this program and see if they have a forum available , then you could ask the question of other users of this program
I cannot explain it, :) all I know of winlogon is that it places a report in the application section of event viewer after you have run checkdisk.

You could go to the website for this program and see if they have a forum available , then you could ask the question of other users of this program
Ah well maybe its just a dialog Microsoft put in and never used, it looks like its got something to do with syskey with that icon. And i am not getting this dialog, im just intrested in what it is
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Elizabeth23 has likely never used the ResourceHacker program. I have used it to extract icons, and also replace icons in explorer.exe.

That window is just another authorize window that requires admin level credentials to follow through on a system command.

You may have never seen it in action as you may be the only user on your computer.
Elizabeth23 has likely never used the ResourceHacker program. I have used it to extract icons, and also replace icons in explorer.exe.

That window is just another authorize window that requires admin level credentials to follow through on a system command.

You may have never seen it in action as you may be the only user on your computer.
I have a domain in virtualbox btw. Have you ever seen it?