Strange behaviour of mouse (and keyboard?) SOLVED!!!!

Last night I was editing a spreadsheet in OpenOffice. Suddenly any text I entered was simply ignored. Moreover when I tried to log-off I found that the "start menue" would not open so as to allow me to log-off. Hence I pressed the power-off switch and went to bed.

This morning I was unable to log-on to my normal account because the PC would not allow me to enter my password: the dialogue box would not stay open for more than a split second. Fortunately there is a second account on the PC which does not have a password, so I was able to log-on via this account. However, I found that in many (but not all) situations the menues didn't work (including some top RH corner Xs - to close windows) and that often clicking on a thing either didn't work or else brounght up a window that then closed as soon as I tried to do anything with it.

In some situations the keyboard also does not work properly (such as when entering a URL into Chrome) but in others (such as entering text into a ".txt" file) it is fine.

I tried to do a system restore, but for a good while was frustrated because every attempt to access the system restore function was obstructed by the kind of problem I have indicated. Eventually I found a means of accessing ssyetm restore (I forget how I did this) and went back to a system configuration a week or so old that I know was OK. This made no difference to my problem.

After further frustrations I used SystemMechanic to check the registery and found one minor error. When this was corrected I thought that the problem got slightly better - in that the mouse seemed to do a few more things properly; but I may have been mistaken in this judgement.

I am now running MalWAreBytes to see if I can find any Malware on the PC.

Any suggestions and/or recommendations would be gratefully received. I am presently logged on to an alternate Windows10 machine, but very much want to get my old WindowsXP machine working again!