StickyKeys problem xp home edition sp3

I seem to have accidentally activated stickykeys as only the Shift Version of keys seemed to be working; but then problem would go away after a while

I checked in Control Panel when I went in 'safe mode' and they are not 'ticked' off in accessability menu bility)

Since problem began I cant input my password to get past opening screen for regular bootup.

How to assure stickeys are not operating, and / or reset sign in password

You shouldn't need to go into Safe Mode to access the Accessibility Options. It's the first icon in Control Panel.

But it is possible to uninstall Accessibility Options with Sticky Keys still on. To reinstall it you need to go to the Add Remove Programs panel and click the side option, Add Remove Windows Components.. Reinstall Accessibility Options and disable Sticky Keys.

It's the first box in the Accessibility Option panel, Use Sticky Keys. Remove the tick.
i booted into safe mode, the box for stickkeys is not ticked in the accessibility menu
dialog box keeps popping up asking if i want stickkeys, only ok an cancel button lit, not settings

when i boot up in safe mode go to accessiblity stickeys are not enabled

yet when i reboot try to put in my password at bootup menu, stickkey dialog box pops up

apprecaite any other suggestions, when i go into safemode i go as 'administrator'

not as my personal settings

can you boot into safe mode and perform system restore to a point before this??

progress i can boot up now, still cant turn off the stickeys dialog box popping incessentaly and making a noise when it does..dialog box says ok to keep on, cancel to cancel stickyeys, but though i click on cancel, stickey keys stays on, settings is last button but when i click on it, it takes me to accessbility options box, and use stickykeys is not unable to get rid of sticky keys dialog box popping up, very annoying

tia any suggestions; xp sp3 on a dell omniplex about 3.5 years old
hold down both Shift keys at the same time

found above on a thread and this is supposed to turn off sticky keys and regain control of pc.

line 211 right side disable sticky keys or delete sticky keys


Also if a system restore did not work, you should scan for malware:

Download, install, update and do full scan with these free malware detection programs:

Malwarebytes Free (MBAM):

SUPERAntiSpyware: (SAS):

Remove all found, reboot, and run again until scans run clean, these can be removed afterwards if you so choose. Run scans one at a time, please.

also run checkdisk with the /r parameter until it runs with no errors.