Speed comparison XP Vista 7 8.1 and 10

So, noticed this speed comparison video of the different Windows versions.

Looking at some of the other videos of the presenter, I dont get the impression hes a particular advanced user, but hes probably above average.

Any thoughts about the XP performance compared to what he presented? I Do realise that people use XP for a variety of reasons. Personally I have some software that wont run on newer versions of Windows.
So 64-bit win7 is definitely faster than xp in certain things, but the user interface messes me up so that time is lost, lol.

XP is surprisingly quick when maxed out with 4GB of ram and a cpu and gpu from that era. My xp systems that have i7 processors and medium end gpus from that time period pretty much fly--almost as fast as my 4790k running win 7, except I need 16GB of ram with win 7 to match what xp can do with 4GB.