SP3 and AMD processor problem

At Windows Service Pack 3 patch for AMD processors the web-page warns of problems with AMD chip.

If you have an AMD processor and are considering upgrading to Windows Service Pack 3 (SP3), then it is important that you apply this patch before SP3. Otherwise, your system may possibly get stuck in a loop of reboots that will stop Windows XP from starting.

On a technical level, there is a problem with the way that the System Preparation (Sysprep) image is created. According to one explanation offered by Microsoft "The problem may occur if the original Sysprep image for Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1), for Windows XP SP2, or for Windows XP SP3 is created on a computer that uses an Intel processor and is then deployed on a computer that does not use an Intel processor. In this configuration, the Intel processor driver (Intelppm.sys)

My knowledge of CPU/Processors is zero :eek:
Is the second paragraph about ...
if an image of an Intel Processor OS is then deployed on an AMD-processor-PC a patch for the AMD PC must be applied before deploying the image onto the AMD PC.

How do I determine if my rig has an AMD processor/chip ?

I think I know the answer ... but cannot afford to get it wrong.
In WinExp > Computer > General (tab)
Intel(R)Core(TM)2 Duo CPU
E6750 @ 2.66 GHz
2.67 GHz
3.05 GB of RAM

All I want to do is apply SP 3 to my XP Intel PC
- am I good to go ? :)
Courtesy of Tricky 300

Before you install SP3 read this article…
and if your PC is an HP Pavilion, Presario or Media Center and has an AMD processor you need to install this patch before installing SP3…
to find out if you have an AMD processor...
• Hold down the Windows key (between Ctrl and Alt) and hit the Pause Break key
• Your processor type is shown in the Computer: section

Then install SP3 by downloading and running from...
…you can ignore the text that says that it is for network installations and also ignore the text advising Windows/Microsoft Update if only updating one PC.
Reboot twice after installing.

Thank you Elizabeth23 for your guidance :)

I already had the downloads but your extra (precautionary) steps were very much appreciated ... I followed them to the letter.
- I didn't realise there are so many potential trip-ups for the unwary!
- the AMD possible hiccup was not applicable to my desktop, but caution was was essential.
- Your Win+PauseBreak, shortcut also into my bag of tricks (... something new every day) :cool:
- Tricky 300's link to Steps to take before you install Windows XP Service Pack 3 was essential, I learnt something and have bookmarked the MS web page
- for memory, the last manual service pack install I did was last century! ;)

For newbies (or dedicated-XP'ers)
Safest downloads were direct from Microsoft SP3 (... and SP2)
- Softpatch.com also provided clean SP2 and SP3 downloads but their web pages are heavy with ads that were posturing as service pack downloads too. Why would I ... ?
- softonics.com offerings were loaded with (declared) "adware" ... not worth the risk :eek:
- I used WinHasher to compare SHA256 string values of MS downloads with SoftPatch and Softonic downloads
Free WinHasher (truly free, not even donations!)
- Hash string generator and comparison, simply browse to file to be calculated
- portable version Link caption = Download Type --> Binaries w/o Installer
- SHA256 is the most secure hash, and if you are lucky download sites will provide a hash of some type (not always SHA256)
- a safe web-site ... BUT I still run everything past VirusTotal, my AV, Malwarebytes, and SUPER AntiSpyware​
great work!!!

and it is always best to get download direct from microsoft, other downloads can have malware possibly, and or just be generally corrupted.