China begin to build a novel class of hellish warships
According to well informed sources, PLAN has ordered to a batch of 3 or more new concept warships:
Such warships can submarige like submarine and can go to surface like the usual warship, and
can travel at very very high speed which is unheard of for a ship due to the application of new travelling mechanisms.
A breif introduction of this kind of ships is mentioned here
The concept inventor, Professor Huang, had been awarded state prize first class for his invention, his new concept ship is briefly descripted here in a disclassified research journal paper recently:
The ships PLAN ordered is believe to be able to do land-attack/anti-ship/anti-air/anti-submarine warfares, and is equiped with ASBMs, various missiles, as well as
electronmagnetic railgun and laser defence weapons.
The combat mode for this warships, is search-and-destory, so basically it can not only accompany with large navy task force, but also work as
silent "sniper" in the high sea.
No longer a design concept PLA Navy has already ordered 3 or more of these ships. It means these advance combat ships coming to the South China Sea soon: